Am I correct in recalling that Boras previously denied that Altuve participated in the trash can banging scheme? I could swear I read a statement earlier, before the penalties were announced, but I can't find it today. The latest Altuve denial is worded very carefully so as not to deny the prior cheating.
Yes, the latest controversy is only rumor and speculation at this point. But I remind folks that there were published rumors at least as early as 2018 that the Astros were using trash cans to signal pitches in 2017 ("Two major league players said they have witnessed the Astros hitting a trash can in the dugout in recent years and believe it is a way to relay signals to hitters." -- from Oct 2018, ) I'm not saying the current rumors are true, just that recent history suggests 1) that they can't be completely discounted (and denials by the alleged participants mean little or nothing given their track records); and 2) MLB may not act unless someone makes a non-anonymous public statement a la Mike Fiers.
Edited to fix the link--autocorrect inserted an emoji. Sorry