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Reply to "Youkilis-Porcello"

As you can tell by my name on here I can be unbiased and objectively comment on this whole situation!! Razz

In all seriousness they got the exact suspensions I thought they would get. Porcello gets an extra day of rest (5 games = 1 start) while Youk gets a week off (5 days) and makes Francona's line up choices much easier for those 5 games. Big Grin

Anyone who thinks Porcello did not hit Youk on purpose is really kidding themselves, if you watched the whole game unfold it would be obvious to you! The kid had hit ONE batter all season. It all started the night before when Cabrera got hit by Penny (He does hang over the plate) and the Tigers then hit Youk (he too hangs over the plate). In the game on Tuesday Cabrera got hit in the hand..a hand that was OVER THE was a high fastball that clipped his hand, now that pitch was most likely unintentional..ball was over the plate even. In the bottom of the first Porcello (to his credit) stood up for a teammate and threw very inside (2 outs nobody on..hmm) to Martinez but he was able to get out of the way of the pitch. Message sent or so everyone thought. Next inning Cabrera comes up again and takes a swing but his hand is hurting and he has to leave the game. Apparently at this point Porcello figured since Cabrera had to leave the game justice hadn't been served, so he threw the first pitch of the bottom of the second SQUARE in Youk's back, watch it again it splits the 2 and the 0 on his jersey!! THERE IS NO WAY that it wasn't intentional. Youk charged the mound because it was the second time he had been drilled by the tigers in 11 innings and was sick of being the one to get retribution so he did something about it. Porcello was probably shocked as it was the first time he had been charged before!! Youk should NOT HAVE THROWN his helmet at him and Porcello did a nice job on the take down.

So please don't sit there and think for ONE SECOND it was an unintentional pitch that hit Youk or buzzed Martinez for that matter. I watched the whole game as well as the one the night before. Right or wrong it was a typical plunk fest and as is the norm it ended with a batter charging the mound.

Porcello got 5 because MLB isn't stupid and could tell it was an intentional pitch that started it all. Youk got 5 because he charged the mound and threw the helmet. Probably would have only got 3 games without the helmet toss.
Last edited by redsox8191