Tagged With "arm"
Re: Potential arm trouble
As has been said, short of talking to the coach and asking why, everything else is just noise. Get the answers and then determine the best course of action. Good luck.
Re: Potential arm trouble
Thanks for input. His coach said he wanted him to throw sidearm to be more effective for this season. They only have 1 senior and 1 junior picher. The rest are Sophomores. They are working on the other sophomores to throw more sidearm as well.He is playing for Rawlings this Summer so I think I will arrange a session with the pitching coach. Again thanks for input!
Re: Potential arm trouble
How tall is he? You? His mother? There may be some projecting going on.
Re: Potential arm trouble
He is 5'11" now if like me he will grow 2-3 more inches before said and done. I have 5 sons and the two who are over 18 are 6 ft +
Re: Potential arm trouble
"They are working on the other sophomores to throw more sidearm as well." It sounds like one or more of these coaches are for some reason enamored with side arm pitching and the situation has little to nothing to do with developing your son's individual pitching ability or promoting his future success at the next level. Combined with their cavalier attitude toward his arm pain (always a red flag), I would be seriously concerned if I were in your position. I agree with other posters that step...
Re: Potential arm trouble
A 5'11 16 year old that's in the low 80's in February of his sophomore year?? Only 1 explanation.....your coach is an idiot
Re: Potential arm trouble
I was thinking this last night. I was curious to see if someone else would post it. A soph throwing 80 and going to grow to 6’1” is a solid candidate to be throwing mid 80’s by senior year if he puts in the work.
Re: Potential arm trouble
I hope so. He loves pitching over any other position and starting to see more strength and size since weight training and pitching work kicked in again. A little roadblock with the attempt to change delivery but we will see after a few games if they will pitch him any or be headstrong since he told them throwing sidearm hurts.
Re: Potential arm trouble
Personally I would schedule a meeting with this coaches and your son and find out why they want him to throw side arm and more than likely tell them your not comfortable changing his arm angle. They certainly don't need a whole roster of side armers.
Re: Potential arm trouble
I'm also a parent of a 2020 pitcher, 3/4 slot, with similar stats. In my opinion, and it may not be a popular one. You don't screw with things that hurt, PERIOD. If they wanted him to get stronger he can do that with specific weight exercises, he doesn't have to screw with his entire mechanics. Again, my opinion that may not be popular, High School Coaches are supposed to make SLIGHT tweaks to a kid, not change his entire delivery. If you don't want his summer to be messed up soon I suggest...
Re: Potential arm trouble
Cabbage wrote (paraphrased) “ PLENTY of HS coaches are more than qualified to make more than a tweak of an adjustment to a pitching motion.” Thats true, but even more are not qualified- way more don’t know pitching than do. See it every freakin’ day.
Re: Potential arm trouble
Congrats CaCo, you have learned that the correct terminology is “arm slot” not “elbow angle.” 😀
Re: Potential arm trouble
Somebody are their grumpy sarcastic Wheaties today. There is an arm slot, there is an elbow angle, and the two should never meet....
Re: Armory's "Rocket Launchers Road Show" Aug 10-11th at CBC
Ok....now it's 38 pitchers over 90mph. Randy Sullivan ( @ARMoryCEO ) 7/17/13 4:19 PM S/O to 2015 LHP and ARMory stud Jared Middleton! 90mph at PG WWBA. That's #38. 22 since 1 Jan 2013. #boom !!!
Re: Powercore360
For most of their throwing drills you will need the upper half of the kit. I've been using their kit to do the Jaeger exercises which has worked out well.
Re: Arm Conditioning/ Velocity Program
Well, I would say it's an older program with some good stuff in it. I don't think it goes into enough detail about certain aspects though. Since it won't cost you anything, take a look at the Driveline 8 week program that you can get from their site. It is a little more detailed as far as a progression to follow, and has links to videos that explain the various drills. As for a velocity increase - nobody can honestly say. Some guys have big improvements quickly, some don't. Some take longer...
Re: Arm Conditioning/ Velocity Program
Just curious and don't have the answer, but it would be interesting to know how many Major League pitchers have once used weighted balls, either now or in the past. Knowing that would influence my thinking one way or another.
Re: Arm Conditioning/ Velocity Program
I don't know about the pro's but more and more colleges are using them. I know my son's old program has used them for years and they historically have the hardest throwers in DIII. (partially this is how they recruit) but I saw pretty dramatic improvements in their pitchers while my son was there.
Re: Arm Conditioning/ Velocity Program
For me, the weighted baseball issue is boiled down to this: With all of the $$, research & resources available to MLB to examine the effectiveness balanced vs the risk of these programs, the vast majority have said NO to their use. Who is the target market for these programs? Developing youth players. Developing youth players will see a spike in velocity by simply existing & aging & eating Captain Crunch cereal. Add a velo program & you can measure & see results with this...
Re: Arm Conditioning/ Velocity Program
Do you have any scientific evidence that Captain Crunch can aid in an increase in velocity? I ate a whole lot a King Vitamin when I was a kid a saw zero increase. What about Frosted Maple Bacon Pop Tarts?
Re: Arm Conditioning/ Velocity Program
Sorry, good point! I meant Frosted Flakes. They sponsor the LLWS & some of those kids throw gas so it must be factor.....
Re: Arm Conditioning/ Velocity Program
Okay, i'll divulge the "Secrets to getting your son to 90+mph" PBJ, Oatmeal, Chicken Tenders, All meat covered in BBQ Sauce, waffle sandwiches (2 legos with butter) and mashed potatoes and leisure peas. Seriously, i did consider a weighted ball program once thru an instructor near Atlanta. I talked with him and we never went down that path. I think it works and players see gains....im not sure how much is retained over time?
Re: Arm Conditioning/ Velocity Program
The real secret is Cinnamon Toast Crunch, but you have to drink the cinnamon-y milk left in the bowl at the end to see the most benefit. Regarding the other topic at hand, when you talk of arm conditioning, I would lean pretty heavily towards a long toss program. I don't really delve into weighted ball programs so I can't speak one way or the other on the effectiveness, but believe in the effectiveness of long toss particularly in the "arm conditioning" realm.
Re: Arm Conditioning/ Velocity Program
Matt, Agree but am not an advocate of the "extreme long toss" programs. What is your take?
Re: Arm Conditioning/ Velocity Program
The more folks I speak with the more skeptical I am abt weighted throwing programs _in a vacuum_. They are usually part of a greater strength, conditioning, long-toss and overall health program. I don't think that throwing a 1 oz heavier and 1oz lighter ball by itself can necessarily help you or harm you. Driveline is not just a "weighted ball program" per se. It's a carefully crafted strength and conditioning program for athletes who are already at a point in their lives when they are...
Re: Arm Conditioning/ Velocity Program
I know you are not supposed to promote your own business on this site, but I just came up with a foolproof idea. For the low, low price if $199 plus S&H, you can purchase my old bucket of baseballs (approx 40) that come in various weights ranging from around 6oz (probably not regulation size) up to maybe twice that (depending on when it last got rained on). This offer is only good to the first caller at which point I will begin putting together another bucket and make it available next...
Re: Arm Conditioning/ Velocity Program
Would the Driveline 8 week program work for a catcher? I am trying to improve my catching velocity.
Re: Arm Conditioning/ Velocity Program
In theory it should help anyone that throws a ball... However, the Driveline program is really tailored towards pitchers - and the mechanics they use. These aren't necessarily the same mechanics used by catchers. While arm strength is obviously part of the equation, there is a lot more that goes into effective throwing for catchers. Usually it isn't arm strength that is the issue, but time leaked in other areas - footwork, transfer, stance etc. If your goal is to simply get the ball from...
Re: Arm Conditioning/ Velocity Program
I definitely think the 8 week program would help Wesley. it is not catcher specific but Wesley's arm is not that strong yet judging from the videos. It is not weak but I don't think he can throw upper 80s from a crowd hop yet. BTW I would definitely use Kyle's program instead of the one posted above because of the plyo care drills.
Re: Arm Conditioning/ Velocity Program
I only ask that you consider this as a part of the overall growth program: working with an experienced physical therapist who has a track record with baseball players. He/she can evaluate a program with you as it relates to the specific physical condition of your son. To look solely at the arm may be a mistake. More improvement may be achieved through the building and conditioning of other components in the body, e.g., loosening and building hips that are tight and weak. And the PT should be...
Re: Arm Conditioning/ Velocity Program
Not sure about the Driveline program, but I can tell you that this one helped my son. http://www.highlevelthrowing.c...cher-edition-e-book/
Re: Arm Conditioning/ Velocity Program
This is simply wrong. I work for 5 MLB teams and seven pitchers from one team are currently in Seattle training on the team's dime. The entirety of the Cleveland Indians' minor league teams throw weighted balls; take a look at Goodyear during Spring Training if you don't believe me. JP Hoornstra wrote about our work with the Dodgers and the results. I've worked for the Astros. You can see verified information in The Arm by Jeff Passan. Major League pitching coach Brent Strom (and his bullpen...
Re: Arm Conditioning/ Velocity Program
What about the Tom House Velocity Plus program - http://velocityplusarmcare.com/ Nolan Ryan and some others seem to be 100% behind this guy, is there anything to it? I'm not recommending this or anything, just asking if there is anything to it.
Re: Arm Conditioning/ Velocity Program
Granted my son is a 12u but his team recently did a 5 week program based on House's and his velocity went up 7 mph . The lower body worked seemed to really be the key. I think that for young kids they are using muscles that they have never used/developed before. Not sure about the older boys probably more about a few mph and arm care. The program is phenomenal for arm care. I am skeptical about the weighted ball programs but just like TCB heavy balls its something you can do in tight space.
Re: Arm Conditioning/ Velocity Program
This is clearly anecdotal. An academy and program in my area did it for one year. In fact they are listed on the web site. Had a big presentation. Lots of people showed up. The academy teams where going to do it as well as some other players I know. I heard there were some issues with younger kids -- personally I think they were too young for this type of program. As far as I know, it didn't stick. Haven't heard about it for a few years. It could be the cost as well. Everything is expensive...
Re: Arm Conditioning/ Velocity Program
Last time I checked there were 30 teams. "The vast majority have said no." Learn to read.
Re: Arm Conditioning/ Velocity Program
In addition. This is not about "your program." Frankly I don't give a rip about you or "your programs." I'm sure you have helped some people & it looks like you have. Great for you & I wish you continued success. There are countless weighted ball velocity camps & programs all over the country now. One in my area has these kids throwing 12oz weighted balls all winter long with kids as young as 9 years old. It's insane. 3 kids from this camp have been cut on prior to reaching 19...
Re: Arm Conditioning/ Velocity Program
Varies by the individual. Think about it in the same terms as using 95% max weights in the weight room. There is a time and place. Someone new to long toss that doesn't have accumulated volume at "medium-long" distances shouldn't jump in and stretch it out as far as possible right off the bat. Similarly, the middle of the high school season is probably not the time to test out a new max back squat in the weight room. It's probably also not the time to be stretching long toss out to the...
Re: Arm Conditioning/ Velocity Program
Weighted balls do seem to help with velocity gains. It's not significant, unless you consider 2-4mph significant. I'm going to have my pitchers use weighted balls again this year. They used them sparingly last year. However, my kids have to hit the weight room before going to weighted balls. I need to make sure that they have a good base of strength first. I wouldn't put a kid with no muscle tone on a weighted ball program.
Re: Arm Conditioning/ Velocity Program
2018 just started one like the OP attached in original post. Had a base of 84.6 from the OF Crowhop (not the run and gun)...will be doing it 3 times a week until the first week of December...his goal is to gain 6 on his OF throws and whatever that translates to the mound is a plus...will see how it goes.
Re: Arm Conditioning/ Velocity Program
consider that kyle does not only do heavy and light balls but also Lifting, Long toss, band work and throwing very heavy balls of 1-4 pounds (like mike marshall). the OL UL certainly does have effects but you also would have gains if you leave the OL UL away and just do the rest of kyles program. OL UL is only a part of kyles program, I don't think kyle would recommend just doing OL UL without doing the other conditioning.
Re: Arm Conditioning/ Velocity Program
2018 does a 3 day lifting program (total body with a qtr mile sprint on treadmill) and daily band work...only thing he doesn't have is the 1-4 pound plyo
Re: Arm Conditioning/ Velocity Program
Both of my sons are qb's. They both increased their velocity between their jr and sr years by throwing the football so much during the late summer 7 on 7 and in the fall every day during practice. I am a firm believer in the football. Plus, during football season we also have our kids lift three days a week plus lots of leg conditioning. I'm sure that also plays a huge part. I get nervous every friday night about injuries but I also have seen how much tougher my kids became after every game.
Re: Arm Conditioning/ Velocity Program
This can't possibly be true, because throwing objects heavier than a baseball causes your arm to get injured. The epidemic of ucl injuries among NFL starting quarterbacks is all the evidence you need.
Re: Arm Conditioning/ Velocity Program
I starting researching this many years ago when my son started to pitch. I purchased Dr Bagonzi book probably 14 years ago (one of the first to do weighted ball studies, he got his PhD on the subject) well before Wolforth developed his current program and have followed Wolforth and Kyle's programs from afar. Fast forward, my son's college program historically has the best pitching staffs in D3 baseball, in part because they are on the leading edge of these types of programs. (don't get me...
Re: Arm Conditioning/ Velocity Program
Food for thought: If you walk in to a Bass Pro, Cabela's, or other outdoor store, and walk over to the bows, you'll most likely see a sign "NO DRY FIRING". Dry firing a bow is pulling back the string and releasing without an arrow on the bow. Dry firing puts too much stress on the limbs of the bow and often damages the bow, hence the warnings about no dry firing. When a bow is fired normally, with an arrow nocked, the arrow absorbs that excess stress, preventing damage to the limbs. You can...
Re: Arm Conditioning/ Velocity Program
Completely different mechanics throwing a football. Also, note how all the college & NFL QB's throw heavy footballs & reach back & long toss footballs with elevated front shoulder to see how far they can throw the football to increase their arm strength............Um, they do none of this because it is junk science & develops mechanics apart from their goals. Perfectly fine for pitchers though......
Re: Arm Conditioning/ Velocity Program
Rob T, Ha, thanks. Will talk our offensive coordinator into working on our running game this week.
Re: Arm Conditioning/ Velocity Program
Steve A., I'm thinking that 'Rob' was joking. At least that's how I took it.