Tagged With "readings"
Interference with Stalker Sport 2
Has anyone had any experience with things interfering with the readings on a Stalker Sport 2? I've been using mine in my basement where I have fluorescent lighting and I'm getting lower readings than I've gotten on my college coaches gun. I know the manual says fluorescent lighting can cause interference but wasn't sure how much it affects it. Thanks
Re: Interference with Stalker Sport 2
Yes, the Stalker Sport 2 seems to read about 1.0-1.5 MPH slower at 80+ MPH in our experience compared to a Stalker 2 Pro (the main scout gun these days). I've tested these products in so many different ways anyone else would go insane (various JUGS, Stalkers, Trackmans, Rapsodos, etc). We have industrial fluorescent lighting but I'm not actually sure that's the issue. I think the Stalker 2 Pro is just a better / hotter gun.
Re: Interference with Stalker Sport 2
That is fantastic to hear! (said the dad whose son's recent readings have all been with a Stalker Sport )
Re: Interference with Stalker Sport 2
I'd say 1 MPH is a bit high. Sometimes it's dead on. The average overall is probably slightly below 1 MPH. We gunned a pro pitcher with our Stalker Sport 2 and he sat 92-94 but when we had the same gun on him for scouts, he was sitting 93-95 on the Stalker Sport 2 and 94-96 touching 97 on the Stalker Pro 2. So there's a difference, but it MIGHT only be important at 90+ MPH. It may read 70-75 MPH just fine. I am not sure.