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Tagged With "Baby"


Re: New Ball Player

JohnF ·
Congrats! I agree with others - it's great being a grand parent, but it is hard when they're not "that close" to where you're at (especially over the last 18 or so months). Thankful every day for facetime - just think when we were growing up what a futuristic concept that was (the Jetsons!)!

Re: New Ball Player

OskiSD ·
Just remember it's all about launch angle

Re: New Ball Player

fenwaysouth ·
Congrats BLD and family! As I understand it, Grandpa is the best job and title in the world. Enjoy your time with him!

Re: New Ball Player

Good Knight ·
We have a 2 1/2 year old. Wondering if I just get him a leftie glove will that work?

Re: New Ball Player

PTWood ·
Congratulations!! Is that the class of 2039? ;-)

Re: New Ball Player

BishopLeftiesDad ·
They are in North Carolina, and we are still up North in Columbus Oh. We are visiting next week. Told him to look into the Perfect Game Toddler leagues. Cannot let him fall behind.

Re: New Ball Player

BishopLeftiesDad ·
His Dad id, Told him to tie his right hand behind his back

Re: New Ball Player

smokeminside ·
Turn him into one if he isn't. My wife is still annoyed that I wasn't prescient enough to do that with our boys.

Re: New Ball Player

chefmike7777 ·
Congratulations! I became a grandpa 3 years ago and have my third on the way. There is nothing better.

Re: New Ball Player

Good Knight ·
There is nothing in the world better than being a grandparent! I get to spend time with them and then I go home.

Re: New Ball Player

2022NYC ·
Congratulations on your family's addition, a blessing indeed. Start looking for a 2U travel team

Re: New Ball Player

BishopLeftiesDad ·
Thanks all. HSBWEB, is quite a family

Re: New Ball Player

adbono ·
Congrats! The world needs more ball players with chess board pedigrees!

Re: New Ball Player

OskiSD ·
Congrats, BLD - what great news. Will make for a memorable holiday season

Re: New Ball Player

BaseballMOM05 ·

Re: New Ball Player

TerribleBPthrower ·

Re: New Ball Player

Awesome news!

New Ball Player

BishopLeftiesDad ·
Been a while since I have logged in. Since BishopLefty has Graduated and has moved on to coaching and Men's league, I have started new interests and have not followed Baseball like I did when he was playing. I still love baseball, but I now have time for other pursuits. However I have exciting news. BishopLefty and his wife have brought a new Ball Player into the world. He was born on 10/30 at 11:00 AM. 5 lbs. 9 oz, 19 3/4 inches. It is a true blessing as they start their lives as a Dad and...

Re: New Ball Player

Gunner Mack Jr. ·
Most importantly is he a lefty?

Re: New Ball Player

smokeminside ·
Great news, BLD!! When I discovered HSBBW 7 years ago, your boy was a jr or sr (?) and I paid close attention to his D3 journey because I knew my kids would take a similar path. So that means my oldest will have his first child in about 5 years, give or take. I gotta get ready.

Re: New Ball Player

Gunner Mack Jr. ·
My wife and I are right-handed as are my wife's sister and her husband. My wife and I have two lefties and my sister-in-law also has two lefties. One boy and 3 girls. I failed my son though..... he learned to hit right-handed for some odd reason. I don't know how I didn't see it or correct it at the time. He's a pitcher now though. Congrats on the birth of your grandson.

Re: New Ball Player

Congratulations! I’m jealous. I’ve had grandpa-itis for a year. But, my daughter is holding to her plan. No kids until thirty-five. Two more years. I don’t bug her. Her mother does. My son isn’t getting married until next year. For now I have to settle for what I call the grand girlfriend (grand daughter of long time girl friend)

Re: New Ball Player

The 2U Bay Bees

Re: New Ball Player

BishopLeftiesDad ·

Re: New Ball Player

BishopLeftiesDad ·
Looking into PG Toddlers

Re: New Ball Player

cabbagedad ·
Biggest congrats of many since you been here!!!!

Re: New Ball Player

Wow - Congrats BLD, BLD son, and family! I guess no one has to mention this, but if he picks up a ball with the right hand....well I guess you got this. @RJM 2U Bay Bees....classic. Time for some editing of the PG toddlers. All the best!

Re: New Ball Player

Prepster ·
A "blessing," indeed! I just got off the phone with the justifiably proud father, and it sounds like everyone is doing great! Congratulations to the entire family!