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Tagged With "2026"


Exit velocity

Catcher26 ·
I am a 2026 catcher, right now I can get up to 86-87 mph exit velo on the tee and have hit a plateau. For context I am 5'10 170 lbs, I workout hard and put up decent numbers in the weight room, 345 squat, 235 bench, 365 dead lift. My strength is increasing steadily however my Exit velo is not going up how I'd like. My goal is to break into the 90MPH range come highschool season. Does anyone have any tips or advice, and is this normal to experience or something to be concerned about. Thanks

Re: Exit velocity

BaseballGhostMom ·
Catcher26, kudos to you for putting in the hard work in the gym and asking questions in search of improvement. As a mom of a senior catcher, I'd suggest a continued focus in the weight room this off season with solid stretching/flexibility regimen. I agree with bpthrower about not worrying about tee exit velo. Keep up the good work!

Re: Exit velocity

Consultant ·
Catcher; Are you a right hand hitter? How and where do you place your hands on the bat handle? Do you practice with wood bats? What exercise do you use to strength your hands and fingers? Who is your favorite ML hitter? Do you know the term "bat swing efficient? Bob

Re: Exit velocity

adbono ·
Nobody that matters in terms of helping to advance a baseball career cares. Peers and parents care. Coaches don’t.

Re: Exit velocity

BB and BB ·
Medicine ball slams. Left, right middle. 10, 10, 10 for 3 sets after every workout. As hard as you possibly can.

Re: Exit velocity

BB and BB ·
People care. It is a good measure of growth. Especially at such a young age. Keep trying to get stronger.

Re: Exit velocity

TerribleBPthrower ·
Can’t speak for others, but I would say don’t worry about tee exit velo.

Re: Exit velocity

adbono ·
Nobody cares what your exit velocity is off a tee. Literally. Nobody. Cares.

Re: Exit velocity

Dadof3 ·
That's above average for a 2026, you are on track...

Re: Exit velocity

Catcher26 ·
I appreciate everybody's responses, I understand that exit velo is not important in the eyes of recruiting however I find it to be a good way to track my progress and see if I am actually swinging the bat harder.

Re: Exit velocity

TerribleBPthrower ·
I get what you are looking for, but some kids just don't hit it hard on the tee. Are you hitting it harder/farther on the field? Do you have any facilities around you with Trackman or something similar?

Re: Exit velocity

Consultant ·
Questions: Can he hit the curve? Can he steal first base? Does he use the "high tee"? It is easy to "manipulate" exit velocity readings. Bob

Re: Exit velocity

TexasLefty ·
My 2026 does do tee work like some of what @Consultant describes. While I agree with @adbono , my experience is my own and not based on years of being involved in the game. My 2026 has about the least impressive exit velo off the tee. I think he might have one of the worst off a tee for all players his age at his HS. They just measured it in HS and his absolutely sucked. What he does do is hit for power consistently against a variety of pitches - best extra base hits and most 2B and 3B in...

Re: Exit velocity

ILoveBaseball04 ·
Son is also a 2026 and at least some of the travel organizations do seem to care. The kids who hit harder, run faster, and throw harder are more closely looked at when team placement takes place - those kids are often placed on better teams that travel to more competitive/better tournaments. While the numbers are not everything, I can certainly understand why our players are getting a different message, in some cases. My 2026 son is currently doing exactly what you are - working on getting...

Re: Exit velocity

TerribleBPthrower ·
Yes, college and pro coaches talk about live exit velo. Travel coaches and showcases talk about tee exit velo. There are no college coaches anywhere who are going to turn down a kid because he's hitting 100+ on the field when he only hits 90 off the tee.

Re: Exit velocity

adbono ·
The only time an exit velo measurement is relevant is in game vs good pitching. And you don’t need a measurement to know when a ball is hit hard off an elite pitcher. Your eyes and ears will tell you. As Bob accurately stated, it’s easy to manipulate exit velo off a tee. And coaches know that. There are many more important things a ‘26 C should be working on. Such as bat path, approach, pitch recognition, going oppo, and situational hitting. Those are things that will make him a better player.

Re: Exit velocity

adbono ·
I agree. Tee work is important and I’m a big fan of it when done as you described

Re: Exit velocity

Consultant ·
Adbono; The tee is a classroom to refine the player's swing. "High tee" to develop carry on the ball. "Low tee" to develop fast hands and strong fingers. Tee on the corner to hit to the opposite field. The player set his routine and phase of work. When you are in the game it is "pass or fail". "Swinging hard" = pitcher's change up" and over swing. Bob

Re: Exit velocity

BB and BB ·
Exit velo was not even talked about 20 years ago. Now, it is everywhere. Every batted ball is tracked. It is important. BUT, ONLY IF YOU CAN HIT! It tells a coach how far you can hit a baseball IF you can hit. All things equal, a coach will look harder at a recruit who hits a ball 100mph over a kid who only hits it 91.

Re: Exit velocity

2022NYC ·
Great metrics. You should consider blast as it will have other important measurable to make sure you are heading in the right direction. Are you working with an instructor to optimize your swing and decision making/AB plan ?

Re: How to gauge real interest in my 2026 MIF/RHP

PJohn ·
Thanks for the feedback. I was/am wondering if part of the reason that we haven't heard much is because of the realities involved with HA schools. He is starting an SAT prep class this week and he will take the test soon after. My Son has been targeting the camps of schools within 4 hours or us that have engineering. I am considering a showball or headfirst HA type of showcase early next year. What is going on in Ft. Myers this weekend that we should have considered? My Son's birthday is...

Re: How to gauge real interest in my 2026 MIF/RHP

GratefulNTXlurker ·
Boy does @fenwaysouth seem custom tailored for your situation! Those are SOLID metrics BTW. Some thoughts, observations, and questions based on recent trends Ive noticed. Patriots have still been committing '25s in past month. Do not feel like you're late to the party there. Your metrics as is are right in their wheelhouse as well. I "want" to say Lehigh, which has phenomenal engineering program, HAS had players survive the major. Consistent with what MasterP and TPM say, Big East schools...

How to gauge real interest in my 2026 MIF/RHP

PJohn ·
My Son is 2026, 6'3", 200 lb, MIF/RHP. Throws T87, 6.88 60 yd, GPA 4.5 and attends a good private college prep HS. We're currently targeting Ivy, Patriot, Mac, and Big East schools that have good engineering programs. He's gone to several prospect camps this Fall. He seems to get noticed wherever he goes and usually gets pulled aside by coaches at some point. He has been told by three coaches at different programs that they are interested and and want follow him this fall and next spring.

Re: How to gauge real interest in my 2026 MIF/RHP

RHP_Parent ·
I'd be patient about getting replies, as now is a busy time of the fall for these programs. There's generally a slower period from around Thanksgiving to Jan. 1 where you might be able to get a reply from coaches. I know that Ivy coaches are doing fall scrimmages and getting their final 2025s (i.e. college class of 2029!) to finish the application process right now. They are also finalizing spring travel. When the weather turns and students need to focus on finals, you might get more of a...

Re: How to gauge real interest in my 2026 MIF/RHP

This is very simple, not complicated. Advice given from our legendary @Coach May here. ...apologies for not getting it 100% correct" "you will know if there is serious interest in you" None of the "we're interested in you, come to our camp and we can get a better look at you, bla bla bla" Ask specifically: " Where am I on your recruiting board, number 1,2,3 or X ?" "who is ahead of me and when do they graduate, what is your plan for the position". Also from BOF Wife "All of these college...

Re: How to gauge real interest in my 2026 MIF/RHP

@PJohn Son being a D1 coach, I know that this is a pretty busy time with fall instruction and fall practice. The NCAA has a hold on D1 34 max roster. That makes it tough for both coaches and recruits. If D1 is your preference, many coaches pass on those interested in engineering. As @fenwaysouth mentioned, there are specific challenges of playing baseball and majoring in engineering. My own player was discouraged when he was recruited many years ago at Clemson. You might want to scroll...

Re: How to gauge real interest in my 2026 MIF/RHP

GratefulNTXlurker ·
WWBA Underclass World Championship Is he taking the PSAT this month? WWBA Underclass World Championship 16U is in Ft Myers this weekend. While coaches from programs in your wheelhouse will be there, it won't be many, the weather may be awful, and like RHP_P says, it's still generally very early for HA schools. Sent you a PM.

Re: How to gauge real interest in my 2026 MIF/RHP

fenwaysouth ·
For the Ivy and Patriot schools, they will demonstrate serious interest when your son has the required ACT/SAT scores and has demonstrated D1 baseball skills. I very strongly encourage you to research the challenges of a potential D1 engineering major playing college baseball. There are many. My son, wife and I had many, many conversations at the dinner table on this topic. Also, there are many HSBBWeb threads on the topic. If you have specific questions, feel free to drop me a private...

Re: How to gauge real interest in my 2026 MIF/RHP

PJohn ·
Yeah, I think he is a bit of a 'tweener'. Not throwing hard enough yet to be seriously recruited as a RHP. Not sure what D1 looks for in a MIF but those spots are way more competitive.

Re: How to gauge real interest in my 2026 MIF/RHP

Master P ·
When recruiting coordinators and coaches are actively reaching out TO him, personally inviting him to camps, visits, etc that's when you'll know they are interested. Most of the top 26s are currently committing and making visits currently. My son's school had six 26's on campus last weekend visiting.

Re: How to gauge real interest in my 2026 MIF/RHP

fenwaysouth ·
You can take that to the bank.

Re: How to gauge real interest in my 2026 MIF/RHP

mjd-dad ·
You'll likely know even faster when a coach has lost his interest ... good luck!

Re: How to gauge real interest in my 2026 MIF/RHP

I don't necessarily agree that coaches are a bunch of used car salesmen. Recruiting is a process and some are really good at it and others not so much. For those new to the process.....usually it's obvious when there is real interest. A good coach in a good program knows what he is looking for to fill the teams roster. A D1 team is allowed to offer a specific amount to come for an official visit and recruits are allowed a specific amount to attend. These days many coaches are out watching...

Re: How to gauge real interest in my 2026 MIF/RHP

PTWood ·
@PJohn , your son and I are birthday twins!! :-) A fair amount of high academic/mid majors are recruiting out of the portal first. So the other thing I would do is take a look at the rosters of the schools he is interested in and see how many players come straight from HS and how many have other colleges (D1, JUCO, D3) listed next to their names. It will help you understand their "market" and keep you from wasting energy on schools that rarely dip in HS waters any more.

Re: How to gauge real interest in my 2026 MIF/RHP

wildcat ·
I’d make attending the next Showball/Headfirst a priority and establish contact with target schools ahead of time. My son had multiple offers even literally walking out of the complex and then up to a couple weeks later. Coaches probably like it because there is less sorting through academic profiles - the players who go to these camps generally have the academic thresholds needed and also are proactively seeking the HA route.

Re: How to gauge real interest in my 2026 MIF/RHP

Dadof3 ·
at what point of the conversation do you ask this?

Re: How to gauge real interest in my 2026 MIF/RHP

BB and BB ·
Part of the problem with our country, is that men are perceived as idiots. I fight that idea. MEN have died for this country.

Re: How to gauge real interest in my 2026 MIF/RHP

When you know there is serious interest. No specific time. During an official or unofficial visit would be appropriate or a phone call prior. I will also add that it is really important to do role playing with your son. For me the recruiting process was part of his journey to become a man. Your son will not want to do this, but be "the coach" and develop a bunch of written questions for him and pretend to have these conversations. Role play. Your young HS son will be talking to men who are...

Re: How to gauge real interest in my 2026 MIF/RHP

anotherparent ·
I remember when my son was at your stage. He was contacted by a few coaches (Ivy-type), said they would "keep in touch". We joked about it for months, as one was not a school he was interested in. They did come out to see him the next summer, if he had picked up a few more mph on his fastball maybe they would suddenly have remembered their "long" relationship. If I remember, in the end we asked his travel coach, who contacted them and they told him they were not interested. So that's one way...

Re: How to gauge real interest in my 2026 MIF/RHP

anotherparent ·
This is real interest, on another thread: https://community.hsbaseballwe...opic/ivy-makes-sense All those schools are waiting for this one player to make a decision, then things will shuffle.