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I still recall a couple of years back when my wife and I attended a Packer game and Favre got injured and nobody knew the severity.

Back at the hotel our group was in the restaurant for a late meal and the news came on the TV---stone silence in the entire room as they waited for news on the Favre injury--Good News--it was not severe---the entire room stood and cheered

He was/is THE MAN in Green Bay and a great competitor---I still think he might be back when the juices flow as season nears

By the way attending a Packer game is one amazing event
Last edited by TRhit
Not sure that it really needs to be defined as a sad day. The man is one of the greatest QB's ever, if not the toughest, and his legacy is largely untarnished. Brett Favre is leaving the game on his terms, and on a high note, having brought his team back from mediocrity to deep in the playoffs. Green Bay's record with Favre is the best in the NFL over his tenure, and his record for consecutive games is on a par with Cal Ripkin's streak. The man is heading straight for the HOF, and we are all better off for having been able to witness 17 years of class and competition personified.
I'm not sure how two young boys living in "Bear Country" became "Cheese Heads", but they did. Their Favre jerseys have become so worn out and yet neither one have allowed me to throw them out. They still have them in their box of precious stuff.

After the number "13" (to commemorate their wonderful encounter with Dan Marino when they were 4 and 2) the number "4" is their choice for their own jerseys. By the way, "4" is the number that "play softballjr" will wear to start her high school career.

Brett Favre may not play again, but he has inspired a number of generations of young boys and GIRLS in the way to play a sport. We will miss him and hope that he gets sufficient rest to begin a new career with as much passion as he ended his old one.
Last edited by play baseball

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