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Good luck to everyone going to The Milwaukee Brewers Area Code Games Tryout in Santa Barbara tomorrow.We'll be hitting the road at 0400. It should be a cool experience.

For my son this event represents validation. It validates all of the hard work he's put in both on and off the field over the years.He is a 2014 and was NOT a starter on his high school team this past season.He was a part time player with an undefined role.

Yet he's the one who gets an invite

It just goes to show that if you continue to work hard and believe in yourself good things will happen.The adversity he faced this high school season was tough for him to endure and there were times he felt like quitting.Instead, he kept working hard,setting personal records in the weight room during morning workouts, taking  extra BP and grounders with me on the side,and taking the high road with his coach. doing whatever he could to help the team win.

No matter what happens tomorrow I am proud of my son.I am proud of the man he is becoming

" This World Owes Me a BUZZ "

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