A few followups to the series:
First - Go Martin!!!
A key play in game 1 just before TW went on their 12-run rampage.
Why is this not an infield fly:
Our 1B and 2B misplayed the ball. But runners on 1B and 2B
and this looks clearly like IF IMO. Interested in others opinions.
Here's rockson's big hit courtesy of Fox Sports Southwest:
UT facilities folks told us no one hit the ball here in over 3 yrs.
There's been some ugly post-series activity. Read here if you haven't
There was nasty language exchanged across the board post-game. Wish our players hadn't contributed to that. Being a diligent follower on twitter I saw the messages early and made sure rockson stayed out of it.
For me, the racist language is way beyond a joke and typical teenager
pokes at each other. No I'm not democrat as some on DMN would suggest.
I just think comments like "bowdown", "...you're used to buses aren't you",
"...wash my clothes you're a nigger, like the old days", "...when did you get rights",
and "...you're a nigger #SEASONOVER" cross the line.
(apologies for offensive language. It's there's not mine. when you see
it right there in front of you it has a diff effect than when it's edited out.
And just that most of us do edit it out as the DMN did says something
about how vulgar most of us consider it)
Young men should know this is not acceptable. And how stupid are you to put
in on twitter publicly. Not surprised I see kids act like twitter is private messaging
regularly. Wouldn't a kid that has african american friends think twice about
using this language?
What's the proper punishment? I don't think Messer Mangerr should be in the
dugout this week myself. Kronshage - not a baseball
player. Just a bystander that interjected racist attack. Not sure what to
do with him. What do you think?