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The Orlando Sentinel also reported that the St. Louis Cardinals' biggest problem going into ST was no long-term contract for Pujols. (He had signed about 10 days prior). The Sentinel is not your first source for baseball info.

From 'Nice Guys Finish Last' by Leo Durocher:

Baseball lives at the center of a never-flagging whirl of irreconcilable opinions.
I watched Dr. Phillips play the other day and saw a player go 0-for-4, but read that he went 2-for-3 in the paper the next day. I was shocked.

But the reality is that the paper can only put in the information they receive. So if the person calling in the score is not giving the correct information than the paper will be printing misinformation.

Here is a quick story from my days in NYC as a reporter and editor. We had two basketball coaches call in two different scores with each of them winning. I took one call and another report took the other call. Both scores went into the system and I just happened to catch it. After not being able to reach either coach we pulled both scores. It turns out one coach was protesting the game he had just lost and gave us the score from the point the game was protested (he later won the protest and the game). The other coach gave the score and point totals which he believed was correct. The irony is the coach that called in the final score gave the wrong score to us anyway! He was doing it by memory.

As for the player throwing 98 mph. I have it from several scouts he was throwing 88, which by the way isn't too bad when you're 6-foot-8.

So don't always believe what you read! But it may not be the papers fault (spoken like a true reporter I'm sure).

On another note, I saw Eric Hurley throw on three days rest and hit 94. He is the real deal and I doubt there is a better high school pitcher in Florida. He was extremely impressive.

Bob Pincus
Head Coach
Central Florida Renegades
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This shocks you? This happens all of the time. It's not the newspaper, it's the person who calls in, usually a parent. I met parents from a team in WPB last summer who told us that the parent that kept the score last season never let anyone else see the book.
No wonder the last thing coaches and scouts ask for is a players stats.
I am amazed every tuesday when I look at the weekly stats from our area. This is not for anyone's benefit but for all county team selection at the end of the year. There are lots of "adjustments" I am sure.
im sorry, i was referring to the "slantinel" not because of the posted scores but because of faulty reporting in many other aspects of the sproting paper, notice how they never put in USF's schedule for any sport yet they put in every other college in florida? i grew up in Tampa and am a big bulls fan, yet the "slantinel" refuses to place in their schedule

Bullfighter, You are right-on about the Sentinel. It is also a very
political paper as well. My son will be going to USF next fall and
there is very little info on USF sports. We were in Ft Lauderdale this past week and there was a very nice article about UCF Football
and O'Leary's impact on the program. This was almost 200 miles away--Tampa is 85. Florida Southern College-Lakeland,56 miles away,
top 10 baseball for the past 30 years(DivisionII) and NEVER a mention about the program. Even Rollins College-beat the#1 Div II Tampa in a doubleheader and got very little notice.

However, have an illegitimate child as a high school senior basketball player and you get your picture in color on the front
sports page and a full page article in the back. Even praise him for missing a key game at the beginning of the year to be at the birth. Still not married, though.

Sorry, that this went off in another direction, but I find this paper lacking in a lot of areas.

Every HS baseball game in the Ft. Lauderdale area has a box score
the next day in the Sun-Sentinel. Softball and other sports as well.

Maybe tomorrow we'll get a full page human interest story about a
football recruit that managed to keep his arrest record number under 10!!!!


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