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Cut out the racism, You are so off base here.

I called him a jackass for who and what he is, NOT HIS SKIN COLOR

Bonds is what he is because of how he has treated people, professionally & personally, NOT BECAUSE OF HIS SKIN COLOR.

I have asked this question for Bonds supporters time and time again, but NEVER received any answers.

Why do his teammates not come out to home plate to congradulate him on these "historic HRs" ?

Hell, they dont even come out of the dugout.

Certainly hitting these "historic HRs" is a cause for celebration. You see guys get mobbed for a GW single in the 9th inning between two last place teams. If your teammates are not even into coming out for the "big moment", that says volumes about you.

I dont remember that occuring for Aaron.

"All white ball players from the Babe Ruth era that are in the HOF should have an asterisk next to their names as should Ruth for drinking, an illegal substance during prohibition...and they played during segregation which means they never faced the best...their supposed greatest is all a lie."

Did you say the same thing about Doc Gooden & Daryl Strawberry ?

They did an illegal substance and got many "extra chances"

As far as the players of the time before Jackie Robinson, They did not control who played or di not play in the major leagues.

Bonds got involved with a group whose major purpose was to put top athletes on performance enhancers and make sure they could pass all the drug tests.
As for chances how about the late Steve Howe-LHP--7 strikes and he was still not out

NH I am with you --we may disagree on many things but it has nothing to do with white/black with regard to Bonds-- you have your view and I have mine--so be it

In fact RR, I think you should drop the cross and realize that we are talking "ballplayers" not color or ethnic background

Or do I go see how few Italians are in the "bigs"

RR==realize this for once--a person is a person regardless of ethnic background--you need to be educated and you should also wear Nikes when carrying the cross because it helps to prevent "soul burn". Sandals do not work anymore on the hot tar
Originally posted by Ramrod:
It's a white on black thing...

A black man with a tough bent to his personality is not the same thing as a white guy with a tough personality...the whites would call the white guy a "tough guy" but the black guy with a tough personality to whites is a "jackass".

Like I said its about who's ox is being gored...

All white ball players from the Babe Ruth era that are in the HOF should have an asterisk next to their names as should Ruth for drinking, an illegal substance during prohibition...and they played during segregation which means they never faced the best...their supposed greatest is all a lie.

Perhaps the single most off-base statement I've read on this site in the last four years.
Please, please, please, don't bring race into this. By way of just one example, i personally witnessed, from about 1 foot away as barry refused to sign an autograph for Mrs. Jackie Robinson. Come on for goodness sakes, he disrespected Jackie Robinson's wife. In the same instance, He also told my then 10 year old son to go f**K himself when my son too asked for an autograph).

was race part of that conduct. such actions against the wife of the man who broke the color barrier. No, bonds is a child of privilege and a rotten self centered spoiled brat. those qualities come in all colors. he's not a tough guy, he's a jerk, a bully and a punk and his color is irrelevant.

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