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What makes this website so great and so unique is that we can speak our minds here and feel at ease in doing it--- some people take things too personal ---don't be that way-- we are a family here and can discuss as a family-- yes we have opinions but lay them out there---there will be heated discussion and it can be fun--just dont let it get to you personally

Many of you were not here when BEEN THERE and I used to go at it--it never got personal and we are to this day great friends and still, at time,adversaries in debate. But we can still pick up the phone and call each other just to say hello

Enjoy this site for what it is--- a great place to speak your mind and have some great DEBATE and DISCUSSION.
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Great post! So true. Yes I remember the old days when BeenethereIL and TRHit used to go at it tooth and nail. Every time Beenthere would start a good thread, there would be TRHit to counter his point. While Beenthere was diligently researching and adding to the content on the HSBBW, there would be TR trying to disagree. It was one of the few times in my life that I actually felt compassion for an attorney. Beenthere can take credit for many things over the years including the name of “Webster”. He coined the phase many years ago and the name in itself has become commonplace in the world of baseball. BeenthereIL has become synonymous with the high quality of information provided by the High School Baseball Web. He is indeed an icon and will always be! Great post TR. Thanks!
TR....gosh what a great post. Especially about not taking things too personal. You know when you post something....and you receive private messages afterwards asking....."How Dare You"?...Well you know people are taking it way too personal.....and I'm sure we have all been through it....yes....couldn't agree with you more.....

The only problem I'm having is picturing you and BEEN as poster boys for objectivity and/or "Don't take it Personal".....but I'm working on it.....again.....great post, and I'm sure we will all take something from it.....but not too personally...... no
Last edited by LadyNmom
I guess we ALL get to voice our opinions so I will voice mine even though it is in the minority.

It IS possible to discuss and debate and have heated discussions WITHOUT making personal jabs.

No two folks are the same. There are those like TR & Beenthere who can spar constantly and remain friends - that's awesome. They both add considerably to this site.

There are others who are more prone to take things personally. They are not "THIN SKINNED", they just have different personalities. Nothing wrong with that either.

I am afraid we sometimes lose POTENTIAL long term contributors because they do not have the same moxie that some of the regulars do.

If we expect them "NOT TO TAKE IT PERSONALLY"

then I suppose we also should "NOT TAKE IT PERSONALLY" when we are told we're being insensitive.

If you can dish it out - you better be able to take it.

Ironically it seems like THAT never happens.
Last edited by AParent

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