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Keller Dad

There are quite a few of us who are ready to make another contribution...
I think there is an anniversary coming up in February? Perhaps we can rally the troops to mail their donations to coincide with that day?
What do you think?

By the time you learn how to play the game...
You can't play it anymore ~ Frank Howard
Does anyone know how much needs to be raised?
I know there is mention of $1200.
How much as been raised to date?
Is this a non-profit site?

You would think that the businesses associated with this site would take care of these miniscule amounts?

All these showcase companies must be making millions?

These hitting and product businesses must be benefiting tremendously from exposure?

Yes, we users do benefit knowledgewise from this site, no doubt. However, these businesses should fork up, after all the amounts are not that significant.

Knowledge is Power! Thank you Mavens and HSBBWEB!
If we need to raise $1200, there are certainly enough of us to be able to reach that. What about if we got 100 people to commit to send $12. (Just look at how many responded to PG's inquiry) Surely that wouldn't be a problem for most of us (I mean good grief, look what's spent on everything else for BB)
If there's a difference dollar amount, we can work off of that too.
SO.........who wants to pitch in to a group fund?

"People ask me what I do in winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring." Rogers Hornsby, Hall of Famer

Originally posted by ChicksDigTheLongBall:
Does anyone know how much needs to be raised?
I know there is mention of $1200.
How much as been raised to date?
Is this a non-profit site?

You would think that the businesses associated with this site would take care of these miniscule amounts?

All these showcase companies must be making millions?

These hitting and product businesses must be benefiting tremendously from exposure?

Yes, we users do benefit knowledgewise from this site, no doubt. However, these businesses should fork up, after all the amounts are not that significant.

Knowledge is Power! Thank you Mavens and HSBBWEB!

Yes, I'm sure Bob has an arrangement or two that gets him some income from the major showcase people. But, you must realize, internet ad rates are in the toilet.

And, the people that really gain from this site aren't the few companies that use this forum as an advertising base. It is us, the parents and the players.

We are the ones that get INVALUABLE information from this site. We are the ones that get to use the forum to make both Cyber Friends, and in many cases REAL friends.

I don't know about you guys and gals....but I spend a small fortune every year for my son to play ball. For us to donate $15 to $20 once a year is peanuts. Heck, tournament passes are running $25 a weekend in my neck of the woods.

Plus, why should it be just for Bob to cover his costs? Shouldn't he also make something for his efforts?

How many of you would spend the time, money and effort to keep a website like this up AFTER you kid has gone off to college?

I ran across the link in this post by accident, meant to hit on another link. I'm glad I did.
Originally posted by Highlandermom:
KellerDad ...

Thanks for reminding us ... I could honestly change my avatar (as of 1/5/04) if I really wanted to do so ... hope I get some others to join me.

Go Highlanders !!!

I think we should set a goal of 100 websters to donate at least $15 by the Febuary aniversary date. I sent in $10 last night but the more I thought about it, I am going to send in another $10. I felt like a cheapskate.
I have a subscription to one baseball website. It is a site about colligate baseball in the Southeast United States. The cost of this subscription is $5.95 per month. I pull it up every day in hopes there will be some new "news" on the site. Most of the time there is nothing new.

Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience.
Thanks very much for the reminder! I think it was about this time last year that someone pointed out the opportunity to donate, and a bunch of members decided to donate $25 apiece (including me). But those who can, and wish to, should just donate whatever amount seems comfortable. I find it a privilege to "step up to the plate"! Comin' atcha by PayPal, Bob!
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Tried to send this thru "Feedback" but got an error message about "FrontPage Extensions" or some such gibberish.....
message was:
Bob - just made a donation via PayPal. Hope it combines with others to bring a much deserved windfall your way. My eldest son is only an '08, but I already feel like I sort of know what to do over the next few years thanks to this site. I'd like to keep my current avatar, but is there a way to put 'donor' underneath instead of 'member'?
Anyway, Thanks!! -- Krakatoa (Bob Heckerl, Dept of Def., Seoul, Korea)

"Son, when you pitch a strike, Mr. Hornsby will let you know."

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