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I’m curious about how other schools are set up for fan accessibility to HS varsity baseball fields.


The school where I scored for the past 8 years was one of the very best I’ve ever encountered, but the school I’ll be scoring at next year is one of the worst. They’re both in the same school district and less than 4 miles apart as the crow flies.


When my kid was playing HS ball 10 years ago, getting to the fields, even if they were out in the back 40 was no big deal. You just drove to the field through the school using the access roads. Unfortunately, with all the violence on campuses now, the gates get locked about an hour before school lets out, and anyone heading to the fields is relegated to what sometimes is a very long walk.


I told the coach at the new school, there was 1 requirement I had that was etched in stone. I needed permission to drive to the field. I got the word today that the AD approved my driving to the field, and expressed wonder that no one had ever asked in the past.


Do many of you out there have similar “issues”, and how do you deal with them?

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Our baseball and softball fields were pretty good, in the back 40 but a security guy manned the entrance and basically knew everyone by the 5th game and just waved us through. 


My bad experiences were road softball games. One place, not dropping names but mt pointe hs, was horrible. At one point I found myself at a dead end at the home dugout. To rectify, I would've had to walk all the way back down the rf line, around the of fence, down the 3b line and enter in the hp area. No signs or anything, trial by error. I had at least a quarter mile to get that close. Luckily one of the home team players was on my daughter's club team and ran out to give me a hug (thinking I came down to say hi) and let me on the field to bypass the walk around. Their coach gave me the evil eye, but it was 2 minutes to game time.


The best one was a simple 3/4 mile walk with a $5 fee before you got to the fields. "District rules, pay up or turn around". This after a 45 mile drive thru Phoenix to get there. We got run ruled 17-0 (it wasn't that close) my daughter was injured and wasn't playing AND the parent of the pitcher went to the AD to complain about me scoring too many earned runs. Neither of them actually went to the game, so they got their daughter's rendition (i would've paid money to hear her explain that game). I only scored one error, on the pitcher, that didn't factor into the scoring Of earned runs. At one point in that game, 11 straight players hit the ball to the fence or over it and only advanced one base if they didn't. Head coach told AD I was generous, so I kept my job and got to take the next long, unpaid walk.

My son's HS field is to the left of the main entrance and off the faculty parking lot. Along a major road. In fact, they extended and heightened the barrier fence last year to help prevent foul balls from going into the street, which happened 3-5 times a game and a car would get hit a few times a year (but, so far, no accidents/injuries). My son's first AB was a foul ball over the high netting and into the street. Anyhow. It's about a 200 yard walk to the bleachers from the parking lot and there is NO way to drive back there short of using a golfcart (which they use). My in-laws just turned 80 and my Mom, while younger, has a bad knee so it is a long hike for them. Since we live across the street, I ride my bike to games in about 2-3 minutes. Shorter than the walk from the parking lot.

I don't think my kids school could be any better than it is.  


Field sits just north of the school.  You park in the same lot the kids use to park to go to school, albeit the far end of the lot.  You enter the main gate to the athletic complex, go to the left for the football field, straight ahead for the softball field, and go to the right and the baseball field is about 75 feet up a slight incline, and you are at the bleachers behind home plate.  You can drop off fans at the gate and they have a short walk.


Parking lot is so close you can hit cars with foul balls, so the "good" spots are always empty.

It’s amazing how differently places feel about HS sports. The closest HS with lights around here is 40 miles away.


In Clovis Ca., a city of about 100,000, they have 5 high schools. Both BB and SB are lighted, have very close parking, REAL restroom facilities, kitchen facilities for food, stadium bleachers, press boxes, scoreboards, with manicured Bermuda fields you could putt on, and each school has its own “ground crew” for the school landscapes and sports fields.


Contrast that to our city of about 160,000 with 9 high schools. Not one has lights or REAL restroom facilities. Depending on the booster program, some have better accoutrements than others, but all share a common maintenance crew that gives service at most once a week. It’s a crapshoot as to how close parking is. It goes from my old school where parking was within 100 yards, to at best 500 yards at my new school.


The difference is, when Clovis wants to build a school, they put a bond issue on the ballot that includes funding for great sports facilities. Here, they plan for minimum facilities and let each school fend for itself as far as improvements go. So it comes down to this. You get what you’re willing to pay for.

Originally Posted by Stats4Gnats:

It’s amazing how differently places feel about HS sports. The closest HS with lights around here is 40 miles away.


In Clovis Ca., a city of about 100,000, they have 5 high schools. Both BB and SB are lighted, have very close parking, REAL restroom facilities, kitchen facilities for food, stadium bleachers, press boxes, scoreboards, with manicured Bermuda fields you could putt on, and each school has its own “ground crew” for the school landscapes and sports fields.

I agree, I can only speak for Clovis North and Buchanan though...I haven't been to the other three, but these two high schools are absolutely ridiculous (in a good way) compared to most, if not all, high schools in my area. 


I'm assuming you're in the EGUSD.  I know those facilities well.  I wonder which new high school you're talking about because I can think of 2-3 that aren't pretty fan accessible. 

Originally Posted by havanajay:

I agree, I can only speak for Clovis North and Buchanan though...I haven't been to the other three, but these two high schools are absolutely ridiculous (in a good way) compared to most, if not all, high schools in my area. 


Don’t feel lonely. They make most HSs look bad and a bunch of colleges too.


I'm assuming you're in the EGUSD.  I know those facilities well.  I wonder which new high school you're talking about because I can think of 2-3 that aren't pretty fan accessible. 


The school isn’t newly built. I’ve been scoring at PG since they started playing ball in 2007. The asst there took the HVC job at MT and asked me to move over with him. So the school is new to me as a scorer.

Originally Posted by Stats4Gnats:

  The school isn’t newly built. I’ve been scoring at PG since they started playing ball in 2007. The asst there took the HVC job at MT and asked me to move over with him. So the school is new to me as a scorer.

I meant new as in new to you.  MT was one of them that I thought you were talking about.  That's a long walk.  I've seen cars along the classrooms before though.  Sent you a dialog. 

Our field isn't at the HS.  15 or so years ago, our school district bought some property with the intent of building a new middle school.  New soccer, baseball and softball fields.  Long story, but the school was never built, so there are really no fences, gates or anything.  Heck, there are 8 houses that are less than 75 feet outside of the LF fence.  A couple of the players actually live in those houses now.

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