quote:Originally posted by ken:quote:Originally posted by K Complex:quote:Originally posted by CADad:
Coach May,
I think we agree more than we disagree. It is the overselling it part that I don't like. I would have been fine with just taking his base or even a bit of a grimace and then take the base. I think when you go out of your way to try and fool an umpire it is cheating. I don't know where the line is. There are a lot of similar things such as those redbird has brought up that I think are part of the game and I really can't say why they are different. Eventually I just go back to my morals and look at one incident and say that is part of the game and another and say that is cheating. I guess that the answer is that some cheating is part of the game and some isn't. The phantom tag, etc. are cheating but they are part of the game and so we accept them and challenge the umpires to make the right call. I just don't think that the oversell was part of the game.
I agree CAdad - no problem with the play if he can get the call but the embellishment was tacky . jumping around after the call, trainer exam while wincing in "pain" They did everything but bring out a stretcher!
Ahh spoken like a true Met fan.
Yes, a Mets fan- but I think Jeter is too classy for such embellishment antics is all!That is why I stated earlier that I was surprised! I could see A-ROD do that in a heartbeat though! And if it was a Met and the ump told them to take their base, they are so bad this year they probably would have started to run to third!