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My son was all set to sign with a juco college but is now having second thoughts. It's a division 2 juco that is nationally ranked in the preseason. They have a very good record at moving players on to four year schools and also at getting players drafted. Me personally I think it's a very good fit for my son but it's his choice and not mine.

Here's some background. As some on here know my son had Tommy John surgery 18 monthe ago. He's a right handed pitcher and will be back on the mound for his senior year. This school has been in contact with my son all thru the rehab process and offered him a scholorship after they watched him throw at their camp. They told us they wanted to see his arm before they made a offer. Son was ready to sign untill he saw their 2009 roster. They have 9 freshman pitchers with three more freshman pitchers on the practice squad. They also have signed two more for next year. My sons not afraid of the competition he just doesn't want to get lost in another position. Part of coaches last e-mail went like this"I really hope you decide to sign it and return it to us immediately. I really want to get you here at ------ school next year and I think it could be a great oppertunity for you. You are capable of both pitching and playing a position next year and that is very attrective to us". My son's goal is to be a pitcher first. Last year he could not pitch and played second base where he was all county and second team all-metro and had a very good year with his bat. He's afraid that they might try to switch him more as a position player after he gets there. He's been contacted by other schools (not as good talent wise)that have told him that he's their top pitching prospect. I told him to just talk to the head coach and also the pitching coach and tell them his concerns. He's afraid that they will think he's dragging his feet on signing. Any opinions welcome also any experience you had with coaches being question and how they reacted to a player asking alot of questions about how he will be used.

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I wouldnt worry about there being 9 freshmen pitchers coming in, some will redshirt, some will get injured, and some will be ineligible academically (remember bad academics is a big reason why alot of guys go JuCo)
with regards to him being their "top prospect" every freshmen at the first 4 year i went to was told they were the top prospect for their position, and multiple guys were brought in for certain positions, go figure it sounds great to the kidat the time.
I went juco and i advise it to anyone unsure or not completely set on a 4 year, especially with the recovery process. goodluck!
20 dad,

Son sent coach a long e-mail with all his questions and concerns. Coach replied with a very long e-mail response. He told my son that he was glad that he shared his concerns. He then explained what they expected from my son and what he could expect in return. Coach later phoned and pitching coach also called. After all was said and done Andrew was very pleased with not only the response he got but that the coach took the time to lay all the cards on the table. He said he wants to sign with this school.

Me I'm glad this part is over. Now me and mom can just sit back and watch his last year in high school.

Goog luck to everyone this season, hope all goes well and everyone stays injury free.


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