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If your son is not on it submit it to them. **Submissions only from player's parents, high school coach or college coaches, please.**

Disclaimer: While I have no ownership in Baseball (I'd be honored to be an owner though if Bobby wants to give me part of his business Smile), I have occasionally done some work for them and am listed on their website as a National Director. I have not compiled this list, but have contributed to it and others like it. Baseball has used some of my information off the Alabama Top Prospects ( website (my website), as others have, and are free to do so if it promotes the young men who play this game we enjoy.

For Rick and all those who have become upset over this post I offer my apologies. I am not "Perfect", nor claim to be. This list is not "Perfect", nor claims to be. View it if you like, or just ignor my post. You may even insult my integrity if you like, but I believe this list to be a good one and from an honest individual who has devoted a lot of time in research to accumulate it.
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Originally posted by Pop Up Hitter dad:
Homerun, by going to the PG site one can see what program is overrecruiting.

Shocking isn't it? Pretty sad how many recruits some programs bring in. These also don't have JC and four year transfers!

Too bad sometimes families have no idea who else are committing along with them to only find out when they show up in campus or possibly after they commit and see all the others that commit after they do.
I don't mean to rain on anyone's parade, but I am uncomfortable with having the baseballclearinghouse list promoted on our site because of this issue pointed out by gitnby:

= = = = = = = = = =
Posted January 24, 2009 06:48 PM's list was obviously copied from PG site! The reason I know this is that I submitted a list for our team to PG and the exact same mistakes(my bad!) are on this site!
= = = = = = = = = =

Sorry, but things like this make me uncomfortable. I hate it when someone steals other people's info and then presents it as their own. That has happened to this website a time or two.

Bama Bomber, do you know the guys who are running the baseballclearinghouse site?

Yes, I know the guys running Baseball Clearinghouse and they are legitamate, reputable people who have only taking public information available to anyone and compiled it into an extensive database for FREE public use. They have not stolen secret PG information and published it for their own use. Their information has come from mutiple sources (most available to anyone who wants to do the extensive research) and they have not plagiarized anyone else's list. Bobby has done extensive research into this list and has gathered information from college websites, professional scouts, parents, high school coaches, summer coaches, etc.. If you feel uncomfortable with the post then remove it. I only posted it for others to use and enjoy.
I didn't think about it before, but when I read the gitnbty post it got my interest. I am a big fan of Perfect Game.

gitnby posted's list was obviously copied from PG site! The reason I know this is that I submitted a list for our team to PG and the exact same mistakes(my bad!) are on this site!

I too submitted information to PG for their list that had a small error. It wasn't anything serious so I never made a big deal about it. After reading this I checked that other site and guess what, the same mistake was there. Just like gitnby said, it was copied.

Then reading what MN-mom and Bama Bomber posted, I wondered why Bama Bomber even posted this in the first place and if it was legal. Of course, he said he posted it only for others to use and enjoy. He said he knows the guys who run the site and spoke highly of them.

Bama Bomber is this you?
Greg Legg

If so that is low class and you are trying to mislead people.

Bamabomber it appears that the list is protected by copyright laws.

Here I've copied it from the PG site and PGcrosschecker site.

Copyright 2007-2009 by Perfect Game. All rights reserved. No portion of this information may be reprinted or reproduced without the written consent of Perfect Game

Copyright © 2006 - 2009 by No portion of this information may be reprinted or reproduced in any way without the written consent of Perfect Game USA.

This is probably not that important, but I hate dishonesty. You certainly do know the guys running that site because it looks like you are one of them.
Maybe it wasn't copied in it's entirety, but I guarantee that the info they have about signings on our team was!

I submitted a list that included 2 mistakes(had players signing at wrong schools)
One of the parents saw it and emailed me that he had NOT signed at that school, so obviously they didn't submit it, and I know our Coach did not.

Both entries were exact in the baseballclearinghouse list as well as a couple of spelling errors!

Not sure if it's a case of "no-harm, no-foul"?
But this group should not promote themselves as having the most complete list and then claiming it as their own?

I'll assume it is an honest mistake, and that more care will be taken in the future!
Someone is copying someone, it is kind of interesting that Baseball Clearinghouse would have some guy in twice but with two different ways of naming a school, and they would have the same spelling of Air Force two different ways like Perfect Game:

Baseball Clearing
Stephen Colagelo Stoneman Douglas FL RHP Air Force 2009
Stephen Colangelo Douglas FL RHP Air Force 2009
Garrett Custons Sarasota FL C Air Force Academy 2009

Sean Carley Melbourne Central Catholic FL RHP Air Force
Stephen Colangelo Douglas FL RHP Air Force
Cameon White Grapevine TX RHP Air Force
Garrett Custons Sarasota FL C Air Force Academy

It would be logical that Baseball Clearinghouse copied Perfect Game's listing as well as received information from other sources and did not validate they already had it from copying it from Perfect Game.
Last edited by Homerun04

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