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2nd day of third week of practice/tryouts, and still no cuts. Practices have been 3 hours a day M-F, with "optional" hitting practice on Saturdays.

Weather for first two weeks was rainy and ranged 40-55 deg. Good weather for the scrimmage game tonight, though, sunny mid 70's.

And now there's a schedule conflict between the freshman bb team and jazz band...I decided he will be on the bus for tonights game, band director will have to understand. Hope I made the right choice.

I will rest easier when he gets a uniform.
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Interesting contrast. Day one of tryouts on 1/31. Day two rained out. Day three tryouts ended at 5:30 on 2/2. Cuts announced one hour later.

Pros & cons. There were a few kids picked that it is now obvious shouldn't have made the cut. But everything was settled quickly, keeping anxiety to a minimum.

About time we got three days of decent weather. Afraid it isn't going to last though.

Good luck to your son.

BTW, I guess you, ctiger & I are about the only ones on this board not from North Texas.
Last edited by Texan
I noticed that Coach Robert made the decision for his son about which event he was to attend. Hope the boy had some input. Coach R, in this instance it worked out. I hope you discussed your decision with the Jazz Band instructor and didn't leave him/her hanging. Kids who play instruments work just as hard as baseball players. An empty seat in a band is equivalent to playing the field without a shortstop.
Thats a good point Blackheart. Just to clarify, his leaving in the 3rd inning was the result of a compromise we worked out with the coach and the band director.

The son just wants everyone to be happy, band director says he has to be there then he took that as gospel not realizing the possible consequences of missing a scrimmage that close to cuts.

More clarification: The performance was for a basketball game half time. We didn't know about it until a few days ago, the scrimmage was scheduled weeks ago.

This time it worked out o.k...
Last edited by CoachRobert
Coach Robert, I join with you in being happy things worked out this time.

This problem in your particular school sounds like it is unique to your son, therefore I am assuming there are no other ball players that are also in band. If that is the case, there is probably a reason why.

While there could always be a first, I have a feeling that the baseball coach in determining cuts is also going to indirectly determine your son’s future as a band member.

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