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Went to a college game this past weekend. Got a real deal on what I call good tickets, $60.00 each (face value).

The attendance was 87,000 people. I was comparing my seats to the other seats and mine were end zone about half way up. Some other seats not as good as mine and some much better. Hypothetically if everyone of the 87,000 attendees paid the same thing I paid per seat, the gross revenue for that one game would be 87,000 X $60.00 OR Eek
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i think college itself is a business,a huge one at that. but i only went to the 9th grade, what do i know?

college sports is very much a business.

consider that they took in about 5 mil. and paid out maybe ??. lots of money changeing hands. we all know money talks........all it ever said to me was good bye. Smile
Originally posted by justbaseball:
My father, who was a university professor, used to say they should just knock off the charade and pay the kids.

And that was 30 years ago! Eek

A man ahead of his time.

I was on the the page until I started paying for my daughters education. My son had a very nice scholarship and I now look at his education as being his job, the scholly value as his pay, and baseball was a form of "continuing education" that was covered by his employer.

Some on his college team were hired for less pay (smaller scholarships), some volunteered (walk-on) hoping to show they deserve a paying job.

The CEO (AD) saw that some of the subsidiaries (various sports) did not have a good return value thus were given smaller budgets.

Big profit groups (football) subsidized other groups so the corperation would be full service thus baiting all consumers to the buy the "high return" (football) product

The PC faction uses the inner turmoil to push their ideals (Title IX)

The government (NCAA) was always looking for ways to get their fingers in the pot.

The rich (elite conferences) get richer, the little guy cuts services (sports)

Once in a while the little guy pulls the rabbit out of the hat (Fresno St)

The R&D (academia) part of the Corp and Manufacturing (sports) are always at odds and trying to get funds from each other while posturing for leadership (Ath board).

The little guy (mid-major) misses out on talent because they can't match the offers and perks

The little guy (mid-major) losses the best leaders (coaches) who go to greener pastures (majors)

Exposure (tv) goes to those who provide the largest return.

Corruption and cheating (steroids) is prevalent, but denied by the corporation and the blame is pointed to the competition (pro sports)

If it looks like a bidness, smells like a bidness, it must be a bidness
Last edited by rz1
Good post rz!
Football AND basketball success trickles down to all sports. Bowl championships bring needed revenue for improvements, national championships bring in HUGE returns to make facility improvements for recruiting in all sports. Televison coverage of basketball pays out bigtime.
Last year my son went up to UF to visit KO. Due to the amount of money taken in from basketball and football championships, he couldn't beleive the over haul of the baseball facilities. He told me that it may have made a difference when he was being recruited.
Perfect example how the business of sports are intertwined for all of their programs.

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