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Thank you all,

Here is an up date;

Here is another update on Copeland Please keep praying!!!!

UPDATE from Ginsey Boyer:
"Mornin' All! Here's a quick Copeland update... We haven't talked to them this morning, so not sure how last night was. Yesterday was a good day though! He is breathing well on his own. Kim... Hudson was able to go visit yesterday and was there when they removed some of his IVs!! YAY for getting rid of some wires!! He has shown some signs of improving, including trying to say a few words Smile They said that it will take some time, as his body is VERY sore from being intubated and from the CPR. He needs time to heal. Please continue to pray for his tiny body to recover and for 100% recovery of brain function! The doctors are saying that this sweet baby is nothing short of a miracle and that everything lined up just right (timely CPR, ambulance, etc.) for him to pull through.... Praises to our Father! The Startups have said that they can feel the prayers and are grateful for them! Please continue to pray for comfort for them and for Copeland's complete healing!

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