Hi I've been lurking around for over a year and have gotten some good info on this site. This may have been discussed/asked one way or another.... my son is a 2015 LHP/1B and received an email invitation for a college specific showcase (probably a mass email). He's done two showcases before with one of his travel team that had college teams in attendance, just for the experience and early exposure. We've gotten invites before from colleges states away but this is the first time he got one from a somewhat local school. I understand why one would go to a showcase like PG as a frosh or sophomore which has lots of schools in attendance. As a sophomore, what advantages are there in going to a college specific showcase?
Also, when I say "college specific", I mean just that one college with only those coaches....wasn't sure what to call that kind of showcase, as opposed to a multi-school showcase.
Thanks for any input.
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