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Click on the “Go” (LH top) and click on the drop down: “MY SPACE”…click on “PROFILE”..then click on: “VIEW/EDIT COMPLETE PROFILE” in the upper RH corner. Scroll down to the Avatar area and click on “EDIT”. When the “Avatar screen” appears, click on “Custom Avatar”. Enter the web address for the picture you wish to use as an avatar. You MUST have a “web address” for an avatar. To get the web address of a picture you’ve found, you need to right click on the picture and then click on “properties” and copy the web address when it appears and paste that web address to the custom avatar section and presto you have a new avatar. Hope this helps.

PS..If you right click on my avatar, you will see under the properties this URL (web address)...

This is where this picture resides and I just provide the link in the custom avatar section to that particular picture.
Last edited by Fungo

Didn't mean to skeer ya'.

Douglas-fir, Ponderosa Pine, Western Redcedar, Southern Yellow Pine, Red Oak, Poplar, Ash, Hickory, Maple, etc. ...with these I can eke out a living.

The kind that skeers you I'm afraid would only bring me a pittance! laugh

Aren't you glad I finally figured out that whole avatar thing. I swear I did it WITHOUT the help of my fifth grade daughter. laugh

I'm not sure I would say it quite that way but you're right.

My communication skills are some where between smoke signal and semaphore. High-tech I ain't. So something utterly simple as posting an avatar on the HSBBW is a very real accomplishment for me!

Judging from the string of attempts that I made you can assume that I am at least determined and not too humble! laugh

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