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Young man lost his cool and smashed his bat into the dugout wall and it bounced back to hit him in the face. 0-5 w/ 3 K's and probably out of the lineup for 2-3 days. Is he ready mentally for the show??
I'd walk through Hell in a gasoline suit to play Baseball-Pete Rose
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Maybe he's not emotionally mature enough to handle failure (1-13 streak). His team was winning big early. His attitude should have been, "Pick me up today. I'll get it tomorrow." It makes you wonder if he's a "me" player or is he just not ready to handle the stress of MLB. MLB'ers have broken their hands punching concrete walls in the past. But not when their teams are up big. I look at when he lost it as a bigger deal than he lost it.

His manager covered for him ...

Johnson said. ''That's what baseball players do - break bats, throw helmets in the runway. It's an easy way to get rid of your frustrations.
Last edited by RJM
He's not the first 19 year old guy to do something stupid. Some stop doing stupid stuff as they get older, some don't. Who knows.

It would be interesting to take a poll the men on these boards and see how many will be honest enough to admit that they did a lot of stupid things in their youth. And by youth, I mean before they turned 30. Wink
Are we raising men or baseball players. Leaving school after sophomore year may have been good for baseball development but was it good for emotional and mental development as a man. I don't care if they are 19 or 30 we see so many pro athletes struggle after sports dealing with the real world where they must conduct themselves as adults. When is the last time you smashed your laptop against the office wall at work. Don't tell me that's baseball, it's different. Really, is that what you taught your son growing up, don't think so
I guess he didn't get Hamels' message?

Seriously, he's 19! I find it ironic that some folks who look down on his behavior find many adults' digressions excusable (Hamilton as eg).

Don't worry about Harper struggling after the game, I doubt he will ever do anything else but play baseball.
And I am sure there are many adults who smash their phones or laptops when overcome with anger, it's just not often you see that stuff about your average joe on TV.

    "And I am sure there are many adults who smash their phones or laptops when overcome with anger..."

I'll 'fess up. You should see me when I get worked up...slaving away over a big pot of peeled and boiled potatoes. They drive me crazy with their innocent little eyes. But I know better...they're complicit with my "eyes bigger than my stomach" willpower. They ganged up to make my girth the talk of the neighborhood.

So I take it out on 'em...and when I'm done? Nothing but a mish mash of steamin' starch just begging for half & half and butter!

Originally posted by TPM:
I guess he didn't get Hamels' message?

Seriously, he's 19! I find it ironic that some folks who look down on his behavior find many adults' digressions excusable (Hamilton as eg).

Don't worry about Harper struggling after the game, I doubt he will ever do anything else but play baseball.
And I am sure there are many adults who smash their phones or laptops when overcome with anger, it's just not often you see that stuff about your average joe on TV.

TPM is right, never smash your bat on TV, especially if you're 19.
While I appreciate his talent and continue to hear better things from umpires and players about his attitude, Harper's age is no excuse if he goes back to his old ways. He is a major league ball player.

However, in today's baseball, even if he backslides, he will remain a MLB ball player as long as he continue to sell tickets. If his performance falls for an extended time and his behavior goes backwards, he will see Syracuse again.
Last edited by Jimmy03
I have to admit I laughed when I read the story... It was pretty stupid.. his team mates now call him BamBam.
There are lots of things smashed in baseball... You don't hear about most of it ... I imagine there are many hotel room walls with holes in them.

The fans, media and Harper have high expectations. He gets frustrated, frustrated players many times hit things, shout things as a release. They feel calmer get their heads right and go back out to play. I think its accepted in the baseball business... May not work at your job. But if your failures were witnessed by tens of thousands of people, replayed on TV and printed in the papers, and discussed on radio shows you may throw a few laptops too.

i also think players are playing for them selves, if they don't help the team, are not preforming at an expected level they won't have a job.
After watching the video and reading the article, I agree with a bunch of the thoughts above:

1. Professional athletes are competitive. They made it to the point of being paid to play the game partly because of their competitiveness.

2. Players want to help their teams win, and want to do their own personal best so that they can keep their jobs, earn their salary or a better one, etc.

3. A mature player who is going 0-fer while his team is winning will probably try to hide his personal frustration while showing support for his team (but might not always succeed).

4. A 19-yr-old player may or may not be mature. A 30-yr-old player may or may not act act maturely. A 19-yr-old still has plenty of time to either become mature, or learn to act more maturely.


Last edited by MN-Mom
Seriously who hasn't lost it at some point or other in their life? I'm 38 and busted my head today on a low door opening. You better believe I let loose some words that would make a sailer blush and probably scold me for having such harsh language. Of course the only person around was another coach laughing his butt off. If I was around the guys I would have held in the cuss words and sounded like the Tazmanian Devil from Bugs Bunny cartoons. Stuff happens.

We all mature, learn and figure things out. This question about if he's ready / not ready, mature / not mature and all that won't be answered this season or next season. We will have the answer in about 10 - 12 years if he's still in the show. If he's not in the show we are going to say if he had figured things out then he would still be in the show with his talent.

I bet he learned a very good lesson last night and that's really all we can ask.
Originally posted by MN-Mom:
After watching the video and reading the article, I agree with a bunch of the thoughts above:

1. Professional athletes are competitive. They made it to the point of being paid to play the game partly because of their competitiveness.

2. Players want to help their teams win, and want to do their own personal best so that they can keep their jobs, earn their salary or a better one, etc.

3. A mature player who is going 0-fer while his team is winning will probably try to hide his personal frustration while showing support for his team (but might not always succeed).

4. A 19-yr-old player may or may not be mature. A 30-yr-old player may or may not act act maturely. A 19-yr-old still has plenty of time to either become mature, or learn to act more maturely.



I agree.

Like none of you have never seen your kids throw a bat, helmet, get mad at their performance, etc?

Because he is now getting paid to play his behavior should change immediately?

When son was in college I watched him (on TV) after a not so stellar outing go into the dugout and kick the wall.

Thank goodness he didn't use his fist. Smile

He was 20, maybe. Life experiences will teach Harper what is acceptable and what is not.

If you all think that he's the first athlete to lose, you are wrong, this just came back to bite him. I'll bet he will never do that again.

Try Yoga! Smile
Baseball Tonight last night had footage of Yadier Molina smashing his mask and helmet all over the place after he had 2 passed balls in an inning.

I think you should ask yourself, why did you choose to bring up Harper's venting and not Molina's?

I have noticed an ugly tendency here to show deep resentment for people who experience rapid and great success.

As for Harper, he's making me a Nats fan fast. I love him. I wish every kid on my team would watch him play and bring his level of effort and intensity to the game. I hope he survives, thrives and never loses that. I hope every kid grows up wanting to play the way Bryce Harper plays.
Originally posted by Midlo Dad:
Baseball Tonight last night had footage of Yadier Molina smashing his mask and helmet all over the place after he had 2 passed balls in an inning.

I think you should ask yourself, why did you choose to bring up Harper's venting and not Molina's?

I have noticed an ugly tendency here to show deep resentment for people who experience rapid and great success.

As for Harper, he's making me a Nats fan fast. I love him. I wish every kid on my team would watch him play and bring his level of effort and intensity to the game. I hope he survives, thrives and never loses that. I hope every kid grows up wanting to play the way Bryce Harper plays.

Originally posted by Midlo Dad:
I think you should ask yourself, why did you choose to bring up Harper's venting and not Molina's?

I have noticed an ugly tendency here to show deep resentment for people who experience rapid and great success.

I hope every kid grows up wanting to play the way Bryce Harper plays.

Mildodad, I'm sorry you see it this way, I took it as people thought it was amusing. It would be sad for baseball if he did lose his eye. I have no doubt he'll do just fine. He was being too hard on himself.
Sorry, don't agree with the "it is ok to throw helmets, bats, punch walls, throw gloves" mentality.

Life is filled with failure - deal with it in a mature manner. My kid is not perfect but he did not throw things if he had a bad game - in HS or college. Was he upset? Yes. But he kept it in control. Not sure what we are teaching kids that it is ok to have a temper tantrum when they have a bad game.

So whether it is a veteran player, Harper, or a HS kid - I do not agree with the "it is ok to wing baseball equipment" mentality. Like the other poster said - upset at work - wing your laptop - throw the postal meter - drop the printer?
Originally posted by JPontiac:
It's not so much the what, but the when. We all can get wound up and lose it (though we shouldn't), but why then? He's hardly been up long enough to fail and it wasn't as if he cost his team the game.

No one ever said it was ok. I agree that it is NOT ok but what you do in private is your business.

Harper went back into the clubhouse to lose his cool, it was not meant for anyone to see. His bat bit back.

We probably would not even be talking about it if he hadn't gotten hurt. Because what goes on in the clubhouse stays there.

He has so much pressure on him, most of us have no clue, not to mention the pressure he puts on himself. It's just not him.

Anyone ever see the franchise? In one scene Brian Wilson gets pulled for blowing the save. He then proceeds to wage war on the gatorade containers with a bat.

Everyone cleared out of the way and tried not to pay attention.

He later explained how embarrassed he was for being taken out for not doing his job he gets paid for. You don't think he's the only guy who ever did that? Obviously Brian Wilson is an extremely intense type, as many gifted athletes are.

At that level, the game can make you crazy.
I'll take a passionate Harper over 25 lazy Manny Ramirez's any day of the week. Does he play the game on the edge, yes. And I've commented that it will be interesting to see if he will be able to keep that passion between the lines. But he is not afraid to fail and I will give him alot of credit for that. What happens down the line, well tune in and find out because it should be fascinating to watch.

Ty Cobb explained it best (and probably Harper) when he said this game is not for sissy's.
Harper is the poster boy for a spoiled brat athlete hat was treated like such all his life. Hence, the typical behavior of such an individual. When people stop going gaga and fawning over these kids, maybe this nonsense will stop or they will learn fast. Since this is a trait of Harper, it appears it's not just a kid losing it but rather a part of his volatile personality.
Last edited by zombywoof
I would imagine that no one on this site, 19 or older, has ever thrown a golf club during a round hoping to break 100. I used to buy $10-$15 putters because they didn't last very long.

Sports like baseball and golf where you can't out physical an opponent, to me, are the most frustrating. Things like this are going to happen to players with tempers no matter how young or old IMO. With age you can learn to deal with the failures better but every once in a while the boiling pot in your belly will get the best of you.
I promise he will learn not to keep doing something that will NOT feel any pain regardless of how hard he seems to hit it!

When I was younger my dad had built a house with double cedar INTERIOR doors. Not exterior mind you. Well, I was very competitive and had a very short temper and liked to hit things. I would always hit those doors with my fist. Funny how it was always me on the floor grabbing my hand wincing in extreme pain. The doors never budged. If they had a soul, Im sure they laughed. Today I sport a little finger that points out a bit because I broke it.

Give him time. lol
I have read on this site countless times from players parents scouts and coaches about composure and attitude and what a difference it makes and how important it is. If my 17 acts like this when a scout is watching he would be a poor sport with an attitude problem, no control, head case. Harper does it and it's called spirited, aggressive, passionate or just young. Excuses get made. Talent buys privilege and look the other way mentality. Blowing kisses to pitchers after a homer. This guy is just a flat out jerk. He's under pressure? He has more money than anyone could dream of, will be given favor and opportunity til the dogs come home. pressure is the kid playing in front of scouts knowing a good showing could mean the difference between a scholarship that will allow him to attend the college of his dreams and get an education that mom and dad can't pay for without it. It happens every day. What would a loss of composure mean? We all know the answer to that. What is this guy going to do if he faces and kind of real adversity on or off the field. Again I say JERK!!
This a MLB incident. MLB has shown many, many times over the years that they do not care what you do as long as it isn't betting on baseball games. You will be given a second, third, fourth, etc chances no matter what you do if a club thinks you can help them win.

Harpers incident is so low on the list of bad things that it doesn't matter at all.
Are we raising men or baseball players. Leaving school after sophomore year may have been good for baseball development but was it good for emotional and mental development as a man. I don't care if they are 19 or 30 we see so many pro athletes struggle after sports dealing with the real world where they must conduct themselves as adults. When is the last time you smashed your laptop against the office wall at work. Don't tell me that's baseball, it's different. Really, is that what you taught your son growing up, don't think so

This argument is irrelevant Seattle, remember we are talking to the same people who thought a girl should transfer to a public school with a softball team because she had to play baseball at her private school... Might as well not waste your time, even though I'm with you 100%
I hope he's learned his lesson, but just a prime ex. of someone who has talent but not maturity. Makes me look at Jeter and Tebow who were thrown into media at early age and have conducted themselves differently. They were young but able to handle it much better. Maybe w. Tebow he sees past the sports to religious work, and Jeter just seems to have had great parents. I have heard C Ripkin Jr. say he had a terrible temper and threw tantrums when he was young and playing so maybe there is hope for Harper too. Shame to wase all the talent.

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