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It's Casey of the Hoboken Zyphers from Twilight Zone. Even though it's fiction it's a great example for young pitchers.

The Zyphers were losing a lot of games. A scientist made a robot (Casey) who could pitch. He was unemotional and efficient. He struck out every hitter.

Then it was discovered he was a robot. The baseball commissioner said in order to continue to play he needed to be human. The scientist gave Casey a heart. Now Casey was thinking on the mound. He had compassion for the hitters. He didn't want to hurt their feelings by striking them out. He grooved pitches and was rocked out of the league.

While The Twilight Zone played the human aspect of the story, the baseball moral of the story is for success be cool, unemotional and efficient on the mound.
Last edited by RJM
So I start this thread thinking I would get an insight to what you all think are some of the best players ever to play the game and an intellectual insight to your opinions on their best attributes. And what do I get:

Mr. Potato Head
A college player
Bud Abbott
Lou Costello
The opposite of every positive baseball attribute a player could have
And Casey of the Hobken Zyphers from Twilight Zone

You guys are awesome….thanks for the laughs.

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