Hello all, as has been discussed many times here my 2017 is receiving many camp invites and some questionnaires. We are following up with any of them include phone numbers. In addition we are following up with an email from any of them that are schools on his list of places he would want to play. Anyway, we had one school send us a questionnaire with wording along the lines of "by ncaa bylaws all we can send you is a camp invite and this questionnaire, if you have any questions about our camps please contact coach xxxx at ####". I know this camp invite was from a school that was legitimately interested in him as they also started following him on twitter shortly before we received the email.
Anyway, today he received another camp invite which contained the wording "We apologize for the generic nature of this email but by NCAA rule, year of graduation of the prospective student-athlete determines what we are able to distribute." Now I'm wondering if this is standard wording put in the text of the email or if they are asking us to read between the lines. This one came from an Ivy League school. He does have the grades but has yet to take the ACT so we are not sure if it would be a school he could even get into. Im not sure if this school has seen him at a showcase or not.