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Hey guys,

The infield at our high school has a real issue with holding water in the turf area. The basic problem seems to be that the base of the infield is solid clay, so the water has no where to go. Obviously, a complete redo of the infield would be ideal, and if I hit the lottery I'll jump right on it. Otherwise it ain't happening!

Are there any other solutions to improve drainage? I was thinking of finding an aerator that takes out big deep plugs, then going over the top with turface to fill in the plugs. I think this is a fall job, and maybe over the course of a few years we can really change the composition of the that realistic? Any thoughts are welcome
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I honestly don't know. I do know that the first main layer is clay, and I believe that the root base of the grass is too built up as well. I think a good aerator and some top dressing would help a lot over time. Are there different types of aerators which would take large, deep plugs out? I think that would be ideal. We do have a few trouble spots where the french drain may be a good idea....I'm guessing you would use a sod cutter to save your grass, then make the drain and replace the sod.

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