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It just continues. Wasn't going to post anymore until I read where you mentioned the PG Board.

First of all... no one has any idea (right?) who you are. So how could any attack really be very personal in your case?

Second, Are you claiming that someone on a messageboard hurt some of the players that Shep was promoting? How? I don't think she would ever try to hurt any player.

My problem is not whether that will soon be forgotten, but I just don't remember it happening in the first place.

Last, are you telling us what WJ and the Reds don't appreciate something here on the messageboard... WHAT is it that would bother them that much???? The MLB boards are downright vicious compared to anything that ever takes place here.

I think it's just about time for the truth to surface here! You know... a little good old fashion honesty! We are a forgiving group and probably not as dense as you might think!

Shep, you need to have a little chat with HOF. I think you're the only one he will listen to.Wink
Shep / HOF,

Some of our members may be more perceptive than you think we are. We notice and remember styles of writing and we can read between the lines. Some of us can even compare IP numbers and the IP history of member logins.

I sent you a PM about this a few days ago, and posting about it publicly is a last resort. I would never seek to publicly embarrass a member who was playing by the rules and not insulting other members. But when you play dirty and sling mud, you have to expect that a little of it might splash back on you. Please clean up your act.

Last edited by MN-Mom
I'll do you one better than that.

It is no longer my desire to be used as a whipping post by those who think they are superior in their thinking on this board about the baseball world. Life is too precious and my time is too valuable to continue this type of behavior on a messageboard. This is not Shep-like, regardless of the personna I have reflected in my posts.

My desire to post here with a truthful heart to share what I know with those who have dreams, I will regret, and miss the most. I want you all to know, my intentions arewere good until I started challenging those who made certain posts which I took, "way to personal".

With that, I bow out gracefully. May God Bless each of you and I truly apologize.

I will not go back and erase all my posts even though the thought crossed my mind.

Julie, if you want to do that, that decision will be respected. Sometimes it's better to be out-of-sight, out-of-mind if my posts bother some members, if you know what I mean.

My heartfelt apologies to TPM, PG Jerry and MN-MOM here on this board and to TPM and Jerry on PG's messageboard. Also, to all the faithful members out there who are members on this board, and especially, the great state of Texas. God Bless and Godspeed to all of you. Each and every one.

My prayer is that my foolishness here has not hurt my testimony for what being saved has done for me in my life.

Many doors have been opened that were closed before when I was lost and a sinner. I am thankful for a job, food, and a roof over my head at this time in a troublesome world.

With that, once again, God Bless and Good Night Irene! I'll see you in my dreams Smile

Originally posted by MN-Mom:
Shep / HOF,

Some of our members may be more perceptive than you think we are. We notice and remember styles of writing and we can read between the lines. Some of us can even compare IP numbers and the IP history of member logins.

I sent you a PM about this a few days ago, and posting about it publicly is a last resort. I would never seek to publicly embarrass a member who was playing by the rules and not insulting other members. But when you play dirty and sling mud, you have to expect that a little of it might splash back on you. Please clean up your act.


Technology gets 'em every time. Duhhh!
Originally posted by redbird5:
Originally posted by RJM:
David Price Vanderbilt Tampa Bay 2007
What has Price done post college that warrants being called up this year?

:lol: You obviously haven't seen him pitch. 95+ from the left side with a very strong understanding of how to pitch.

To me, that is enough.
I'm very familar with Price. I follow Vanderbilt since two former teammates sons play there. Price hasn't even retired a minor league hitter in the regular season. The minors is just a few notches above college ball. Even Mark Prior, considered the most ready pitcher out of college started in the minors. Price has great potential, but I doubt he jumps right to the majors.
No doubt he is very good, but he will have to get his practice in milb before that does happen, he will not make the roster opening day as first mentioned.

As I stated, David Price pitched to the Yankess and retired all but one in an inning. No one stated he would start out in the majors, did they? The Rays could use him just as much as the Dodgers could use a 20 year old, come playoff time, if needed, if a spot is available.
Originally posted by RJM:
I'm very familar with Price. I follow Vanderbilt since two former teammates sons play there. Price hasn't even retired a minor league hitter in the regular season. The minors is just a few notches above college ball. Even Mark Prior, considered the most ready pitcher out of college started in the minors. Price has great potential, but I doubt he jumps right to the majors.

He will be there by mid season.

Upton and others say his stuff is "sick".
Last edited by redbird5
The Rays could use him just as much as the Dodgers could use a 20 year old, come playoff time
Did Jim Mora Sr. ever coach the Rays. "Playoffs? Playoffs? We'll be lucky to win another game."

There's no doubt the Rays should be improved this year. Look at the number of tops picks they've had over the years. Given their best season is 70 wins how about if they break .500 before discussing playoffs? I'll put my dollar down for at least 80 wins. But even 85 is going to put them far behind the Sox and Yankees.

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