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Sorry, I don't know if I'm in the right spot but, sons team has undergone some major changes and our new coach has asked me just a mom to kinda help out behind the scenes to keep things running smoothly.

What makes a good behind the 'scenes coordinator'(for lack of better term) for a coach at 16U. Phone chains- carpools - emailing -checking rainout lines?? Booking hotels? I know Fundraising(any ideas there?)

Our NEW coach is also the President of our league, so, he has extra duties as well, not to mention, his own family. I just want our team to be on track from go. Any good suggestions will be appreciated.

Note the phrase Team mom has been removed. I was never going to be on the field or in the dugout. The coach just needs a coaches assistant not an assistant coach. My duties do not now nor will they ever include coaching, being on the field or in the dugout I would prefer to not even keep score. I am HELPING with Paper work, fundraising, rain out hotline, carpools... Wow
"A hot dog at the ballgame beats roast beef at the Ritz." ~Humphrey Bogart
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What makes a good off field assistant for a coach at 16U. Phone chains- carpools - emailing -checking rainout lines?? Booking hotels? I know Fundraising(any ideas there?)

That look's like a good list to me.

When you fund raise, is it for the whole league or just your team?

At 16U, I would stay away from anything on the field and during the game.
Thats when Boy's should start to turn into young men, and should do things for themselves??

Three gaps that I have seen (depending upon the program):

Making sure paperwork for each tourney is in order - e.g. entry forms in on time along with payment

At the event, having all supporting paperwork - birth certificates, team picture, rosters, etc. available. I have found that a binder with plastic sleeves is helpful here.

At the event, sending daily recaps out to all of the parents and other interested parties - keeping those who are not able to attend the event informed.

1) Communication with the families: Set up a weekly e-mail update letting them know what is planned for the week, and anything outstanding you need from them. If they are used to this communication it is a one-stop place for them to go to get the information they need and see what information you need (hotel room requests, player uniform sizes, etc). Also set up a "Calling Post" for communication when out of town. WWW.CALLINGPOST.COM is what we use. It works well.

2) Uniform and equipment ordering: Taking this over from the head coach will remove a large burdeon. The last thing you want the coach worried about is picking up, and passing out, uniforms and equipment.

3) Fundraising. You know about this one.

These are the big three. Everything from there varies, but as others have said, delegate some of the details. Especially around fundraising. Don't do all the work yourself. Make people be a part of the solution.

Good luck.
Last edited by 2014_Lefty_Dad
Originally posted by TRhit:
Had three sons and stepson go thru HS ---never had a team mom--never even had a team dad


This is for his Summer Ball - not actually the HS. I think, the coach, since he is new to the added responsiblities of League Pres. is looking for help. No matter what you call it team mom or something else, he is just looking for a go to person for odds and ends so he can spend more time coaching the boys.
For those of you who are not familiar with Lefty34's situation, their coach has just been diagnosed with cancer. Her post below explains the situation:

We just received word this morning that our sons baseball coach has been diagnosed with cancer. It is in the lymph nodes around the spleen, liver and pancreas. They will be testing today to see exactly where else it is. He has a 15 year old son & a 13 year old daughter. His wife was "our" team mom and the best at it. They are a true baseball family as well as softball as he coached his daughters softball team too. Please say a little prayer for them.
Thank You all!

She has been asked to step in and help the team out under the position ( not titled by her, but by others ) as Team Mom. Quite honestly you can give it any title you wish, but she has been asked to help and is stepping up to the plate. You can bet your bottom dollar she is a fan, and a supporter, and now she is going to take this one step farther and get her elbows pretty dirty. Many run from the job because it is a thankless job and requires many hours of volunteer time.

She came to us to ask for help and advice.
I think the last thing she needs or was looking for is criticism or skepticism.
Last edited by shortstopmom
For those of you who are not familiar with Lefty34's situation, their coach has just been diagnosed with cancer.

Sorry I do apologize and will apologize for others like myself had no idea of the situation with the coach's illness. This is a completely different situation. Life and health are much more important than baseball.
Lefty 34, so sorry to hear about your coach. thoughts and prayers to his family.

directions and actual field names are always important. many times we would be directed to a 'ABC HS' field and it would be at a different location than the HS, (city park, complex etc)even tho it was their home field, and under a different name.

Best of luck to you, I guarantee, you will be appreciated.
Last edited by Lonzo
I'd say you're in the right place and asking the right questions ---- even getting good answers which was, indeed the object of the excersize. Wink

Travel ball, whether anyone likes it or not, is more complicated than it was in the 'early days'. I think it's a good thing to refer to the person who assists with everything from paperwork to directions as a coordinator; 'team mom' implies more Juice Box Provider at LL. There is much that can be provided to make the experience better and clearer for the players and, as a byproduct, the families.

If the Coach is willing to do everything....that's nice. But a division of labor makes sense. Good luck, Lefty!

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