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Coach at a D3 seems interested in son (2010) based on video and a few phone calls. We plan to visit the school sometime in November.

Coach has asked son whether or not he will need financial aid. I'm curious how this question fits into the recruiting process.

College is private and expensive but is a good academic fit for son. My understanding of most of these schools is that most folks get some financial aid but the specific amount depends on alot of factors such as FAFSA and/or CSS numbers, son's test scores, grades, etc.

My take is that the coach is asking the question to get a feeling for the "admissibility" of son. If we cannot afford the school without massive aid it may be difficult to gain admission unless test scores are off the charts (they are solid but not off the charts). On the other hand if we are gazillionaires (we're not) then it should be easier to gain admission without aid being a factor.

Any insights?
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The very last thing they look into is BB money.

The original post mentioned that this is a D3, and no BB money is available at D3 schools.

MTBaseballDad, I think you are right that the coach is trying to gauge "admissibility." Also, if he knows you have a substantial need, he may be able to talk to the financial aid people on your son's behalf.
It seems to me that getting admitted to a school should not be based on how much money you make. It should be based on test scores/grades/extra-curricular activities.

Now, being able to afford attending that school if you are academically fit enough IS based on both the amount of aid you can get and if you have enough money to pay the balance.

Or do schools simply scratch you off the list because of your financial situation?
Many schools can assist you in getting an early preliminary estimate of the financial aid available. This is helpful for you in determining whether to pursue talks with that school. My nephew was told by one Ivy League school that he would not be eligible for any financial aid. Knowing that, he and the school didn't waste their time continuing to plan a campus visit. He has since visited several other school, which had financial aid available, and verbally commited to Brown University today.
I am not sure about that but I would think that might be true.
Several of my son's friends didn't have money to pay second semester tuition by the required date. They were not allowed to register for classes and went home.
Being foreigners we had to show we had all the funds on hand for the year before they would issue an F1 visa. That was enough for the college. If we ran out of money my son couldn't register. It was a scramble to get the funds there to make sure we got the classes we needed that would fit the BB schedule as much as possible.
I was unemployed when my son was admitted, and no one asked any questions about our financial status. They still haven't asked and he is in school (maybe because we did not request need based aid.)

My point being is that I think it would be discrimination if students are denied the oppportunity to attend (admittance) based on financial status. There are many ways to fund school.

Now I agree students can not attend if they do not pay, but if the college admittance officers are that good at predicting future financial capability, they should be going after higher paying jobs evaluating loan applications in our illustrious financial sector.
Originally posted by Nancy Mo:
Many schools can assist you in getting an early preliminary estimate of the financial aid available. This is helpful for you in determining whether to pursue talks with that school. My nephew was told by one Ivy League school that he would not be eligible for any financial aid. Knowing that, he and the school didn't waste their time continuing to plan a campus visit. He has since visited several other school, which had financial aid available, and verbally commited to Brown University today.

Good points, why continue in recruiting if there is no way the student would be able to afford to attend? Before, coaches just bumped up bb money, to those that needed it and wanted the player, but now, with 25% minimum to share (even with academic money) that's tough. I also beleive it helps the coach to dtermine how he slices up the pie. I was called out on this a while back, but if a school is not fully funded, they need to do what they have to do if they want a player.

As far as I know one is allowed to attend classes if balance not paid in full before they begin, as sometimes private funding comes late. The school son attended even has a payment plan throughout the semester, for those unable to come up with it before classes begin. You just need to sign up for it.
I think they are looking at the total package which they can offer; it would include academic money and financial aid, as well as true baseball money.

If they can sell financial aid (including loans), academic money, and as little baseball money as possible they can spread it around to other players who would not qualify for them or really high recruits who they really want to invest BB money to.

Pitchers get the lion share of the BB money.
MTB, if this Div 3 private school is of the caliber that you infer, I would almost certainly assume that they have a blind admissions policy. My son attends such a school in California. Your admittance is based upon your grades, your scores, your extracurricular activities, etc. No where on the application are there any questions as to ability to pay. Once accepted, if a family is in need of financial aid, the first call they make should be to the above office. The baseball coach at my son's school never asked, never even hinted as to what our ability to pay the big number was. I don't know how I would have felt if he had asked. This is just one family's experience. I hope things work out well for your son and your family.
Unfortunately during these times, with endowments shrinking, some schools that have been need blind in the past have had to rescind that position. There was an article recently in the NY Times documenting that fact at a prestigious LAC. College in Need Closes a Door to Needy Students Even though this particular school does not have athletics, they are not the only one having these issues, in fact they are in a better position than most. Here's to better times.

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