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It can be intimidating to make the first few calls, but try to relax and realize that the coach has talked to many, many players in the past and HE knows what to say! Wink

Just call and tell him your name, and that you are calling to thank him for the letter or e-mail. Then if you don't know what to say next - that's okay, let the coach take it from there. He will probably start asking you a few questions about yourself, and you can just answer and forget all about being nervous. Just make sure you thank him for his time at the end of the call! Whew, got that first call over with, don't you feel better now? Big Grin
Make the call you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. You have to take this as an opportunity to get positive exposure with a coach. "YES SIR and NO SIR" goes a long way with most adults. He may not get a chance to come and see you play as he is busy with his season and while you can feel free to move about the country it is still a big country. Plus if it doesn't work out you will have the experience for the next call.
My son made his first call last month (it was to return a coaches call) and it was short and simple. The coach introduced himself, asked about my sons grades, season, wished him well for the rest of the season and said he was sending him the teams media guide and schedule. He also asked my son to call his office and arrange a time he could come look over campus. Or at least that is what I was told. I was not in the room so I do not know for sure that is all the detail just what was retained long enough by son to report.

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