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ibach, I don't honestly know of any coaches who break the rules. I am not saying that it doesn't happen, but I don't know of any situations that this has occured. I would be carefull in believing everything you read or hear. I don't concern myself with what other programs do or don't do. I believe in our program and what we are trying to accomplish. I try and focus on things that I have control of.
Ballfan, Thanks for the advice, I too follow the letter of the law, pay all my taxes on time, maintain my credit rating and consider myself a pretty good citizen. I just don't bury my head in the sand when I see an injustice. I just scanned the IHSA by-laws and quickly found section 3.110, 3.111, 3.112, 3.113 (221), 222, 2.090.

As for being careful, I will have all my questions ready when I talk with Dave Gannaway at the IHSA.
I have never witnessed a coach do anything wrong. I do however, feel that some of the emails I have received warrant a follow up. Possibly some further follow up with certain coaches and a talk with some of the kids. Maybe, they were not aware of the code. Let's hope so.
Coach, I just find your comments interesting.
Proof? Cleaning up the IHSA? Should it be cleaned up? If the information proves credible, wouldn't that be a good thing? Shouldn't people ask questions? For a guy who preaches excellence, I would hope, would also champion the truth.

**cleanup some schools that blatantly violate IHSA By-Laws.

Coach, a question you. Coach B and Triad follows the rules, you train hard and lose the State Championship to another team and find out later that they conducted year round baseball specific training & drills. Wonder what your posts would look like then?
Last edited by Ibach
Ibach, I am just curious as to why someone would email you this informantion? What role do you play with regards to high school baseball? Please don't take this the wrong way, but why do you seem to always stir the pot and bring attention to yourself? You would think that since you work in this profession that you would want people to think differently about you. I hope this isn't your company's marketing approach because I don't think it is going to work. I just don't understand your approach. You should try and build positive relationships with the poeple you meet, its a nice way to live your life.
For a guy who preaches excellence,...
It didn't set well with me the suggestion that I do something other than what this motto stands for.

Excellence in my program. Excellence in my kids. Excellence in how they deal with their parents, teammates, coaching staff. Excellence in the classroom. Excellence in how they are percieved in our conference. Above all else, I expect excellence from myself.

I can't control those other variables. I spend no time wondering who is cheating. I know we aren't. We follow the rules to the letter. We bust butt with the plyos and weights counting on that making the difference. One simple answer to what if those that bend or break the rules beat us. THEN WE HAVE TO WORK HARDER.
I know we follow the rules, I don't really put much thought into anybody who doesn't. If they break the rules then they have to look in the mirror, thats their problem. We worry about ourselves only.

There are certain factors about sports that will always be out of your control. For example this year, we have 7 starters returning and 23 wins returning to the mound after a 36-4 season last year, and we got bumped to AA. We were definitely the best team on paper in Class 'A' this year. Now we are the state's smallest Class AA school after being multiplied.

We can't worry about these things however. Our focus will be that we are a very good baseball team capable of beating anyone, regardless of school size, etc, and I think we will surprise a heck of a lot of teams come post-season time. We can't focus on being bumped up, we have to focus on the season ahead of us. We've talked with our kids about this all summer since we knew we were getting bumped up. How did they respond? 14-6 against all AA schools, playing without some of our best players.

The point is you can't focus on what other people do. We follow the rules and I know a lot of good programs out their do the same.

Anyways, I thought this thread began with a coach's authority to dismiss a player. How did it turn into this?
Last edited by CoachIU26
End this post. Ibach I just don't get it, you are trying way too hard. It takes time to earn the respect and admiration of people in the business. Respectfully, please read without responding to people's post. Get a sense of the conversational flow. If you are in a topic or post that you have no idea about ask questions. Contribute in manner that is respectful.
Before you end this post perhaps we can educate Young IBACH

In NY we had the same rules but a few dads and I found a way to make it work--- we bought two pitching machines , secured use of the empty armory in town and had "open house" on weekday nights and weekends---the hours were posted in the HS ---NO HS coaches in attendance EVER !!!!--but we always were full up with the dads working with the kids who showed up and most were HS players---we also had a load of DADS who knew baseball---NO INFRACTIONS but great fun for the kids, especially during the Northeast Winters
Ibach, since you hijacked my thread to ask about other IHSA rules about offseason practice, I thought I would ask you a question.

Who is Kevin Thomas? He is writing and article on the "knockout" section of the travelballselect web site about IHSA rules 3.110, 3,111, 3.112 etc. the same ones you referenced. It is also after interviewing an IHSA board member. Is this a coincidence, are you his friend and hyping the article or are you in fact Kevin Thomas? I can't wait for the answer and to read the article about illegal offsean practice teams and how they will win the state title!
Ibach, since you hijacked my post to ask about totally different IHSA offseason practice regulations, I have a question for you.

Who is Kevin Thomas? He is writing an article on travelballselect in the "knockout" section about IHSA rules after interviewing a member of the IHSA.He referenced the same IHSA section numbers as you, 3.110, 3.111, 3.112 etc. Are you just hyping his article, the websire or could you in fact be Kevin Thomas? I can't wait to find out, and of course read the article about all the teams having supervised practices offseason and then winning the state championship!

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