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Coaches, no matter what the level, want pitchers who throw strikes, get outs and win !!!!!

I dont think I could have said it better than TRhit. Everybody has their own style/talent level and particular bag of tricks that they bring to the table. I have seen some people who couldn't break a pane of glass go out and shut out some high quality teams--and conversely we've all seen guys w/ an absolute cannon for an arm who can't control it. The important thing is to possess the talent to throw strikes, keep hitters off balance, get outs, and WIN (as Tom said).
In addition to the usual description he mentioned that he tries to build a staff that will give the opponent a variety of looks.

Every coach looks for the pitcher (R or L) that can hit the mit, change speeds, has movement on pitches, keeps the ball in the park & can put some Ks on the board. The most successful coaches recruit the pitcher that has three intangibles; Confidence, Composure & Capability to adjust.

Wants the ball, no matter the circumstance;snow, sleet, cold, wind, rain, blistering heat, to start, in relief (up by 10, tied, down by 10), for a 1 run save situation, JUST GIVE ME THE BALL COACH!

Doesn't show emotion when a call doesn't go his way or a costly defensive error occurs. Lose composure-lose control!

Capability to adjust:
Every pitcher will not have every pitch working every time he takes the rubber. He and his catcher must work quickly to identify the strike zone, the pitches that are working & the pitches that aren't during the early batters or innings. The pitcher w/ his catcher that proves he makes these adjustments early & throughout the game offers the great coach that recruited him a luxury that all other coaches missed on .
Last edited by Southpaw Pop

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