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The answer to that question is confidential other than to say it was very generous and reflected on all the hard work he put in and missing some of the fun stuff that non-athlete high school kids experience.

He was recruited by a lot of D1 schools and looked at 5 seriously, both private and public, and chose Tulane for several reasons not the least of which was their outstanding baseball program.
what kind of scholorship money did he get?

Athletic. Smile

It's a good idea not to talk about athletic scholarship amounts. These conversations will always get back to the coaches and the other parents and NOTHING good comes from them.
Nice article and pictures on the Tulane Green Wave website about Cody and the other players.

I especially like the JUCO transfer, "Gunner" Wright. His name alone should earn him a spot on the roster. Smile
Last edited by Fungo
Thanks for the clarification there Fungo; yes, it was an athletic scholarship although Cody has worked very hard to have really good grades and he has already received his admittance letter. One of the things that really impressed us was that we met with the President of the university, himself a scholarship ivy league President, told us he has been asked by alumnae repeatedly to lower the requirements a little to strengthen the football team and he steadfastly refuses to do so.

Sorry Switchhitter, didn't think clearly on your question but it was likely what Fungo eluded to I would imagine.

It is very important to, as Fungo said, to keep the financial details private for two reasons. First, the school asks you to and you need to start right away with a solid basis for trust and second, it is probably a good idea for everyone to keep their financial information private.
It is very important to, as Fungo said, to keep the financial details private for two reasons. First, the school asks you to and you need to start right away with a solid basis for trust and second, it is probably a good idea for everyone to keep their financial information private.


This is very important and thats why I am repeating it.As said most schools do not want the students talking about it.
My apologies to the Prez of Tulane...In a hurry to complete post and didn't complete my train of thought...the Prez of the Tulane was an Ivy League Scholarship football player who refuses to lower Tulane's academic standards to field a potentially stronger team.

I really do appreciate this website; lots of good information and well-meaning posters.

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