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This hits close to home for me because I went through this in my first season of independent ball. I got a concussion diving for a ball to my backhand side while playing short. It had been raining and they had the speedy-dry stuff on the field... I dove, but didn't slide. The doctor said it was "rapid deceleration of the brain."

Its a tough situation, because you don't feel injured, you don't look injured. Teammates and coaches were not understanding - in fact I was released off the disabled list during the ordeal. (An illegal transaction that had to be rectified later.) I wanted to post these links just to give it some attention. Its something to be careful with. I still get groggy if I work out too hard - 4 years later.

Anybody in the northeast with concussion stuff, I went here:

When I took the visual memory part of the impcat test, I was in the bottom 7th percentile when I was concussed... I was in the 97th when I was healthy. Pretty hard to adjust to a curveball when your brain doesn't process information correctly!
A.B. Athletic Development Building the Future for Student-Athletes "Baseball is like church. Many attend, few understand." - Leo Durocher
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Your personal insight for us "on the forum" brings this topic a little closer to home. My son received base line tests annually in high school and just took his first one for College. It certainly appears that administrators now see the degree of potential risk with concussions and are prepared to consider their affects in a more serious manner.

A couple of recent topics kind of intersect with this;

If you are the parent of a boy whose goal is to play baseball as long as possible, do you reconsider the very real concussion risks possible allowing him to play H.S. football?

Will players consider the new helmet technology (currently being shunned by players in MLB ala David Wright) & wear those bigger/better (but uglier) models?

Who wants to end up like a punch drunk fighter, or Lou Gehrig, or a Cory Koskie, Mike Matheny with careers ended prematurely?

Probably, young players will continue to believe "that it won't happen to them!"
I'm glad the baseline testing is being done. I know it is becoming a bigger and bigger topic so that is good to hear. For me personally, I had been moved up to third in the lineup after 20 games into my post-college career, was hitting well over .300, playing great D. Got the concussion, went on the DL, rushed back... went something like 5-56, averaged an error a game. It is/was scary. I went home for a month and did literally nothing. Wasn't allowed to do anything. I came back at the end of the year, but never felt right.
i have a good friend that has ALS. i just read an article that they think cocusions are linked to it. he had a few bell ringers playing college football. really makes you think.

they are often overlooked or not taken as serious as they should be.

thanks for sharing the info.very sorry to hear about your's, tewks.

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