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Today we won 5-4 in round 1 against a tough Michigan team. Led by a 13 hit attack. Highlights - WP - John Flanagan Pete Cappetta 4 for 4 1 HR, 2 doubles.

You do have to qualify to make the Connie Mack Regionals. This past week we won our 4th consecutive state championship.

The Sparks are not playing at the Connie Mack regionals. They must be playing in some other type of event. Good luck to them as well.
Reggies, I guess we won't know what happened until someone from that team steps up and let's us know. What I believe is that every team participating in any of the CM regionals around the country got there by finishing either 1st or 2nd in their respective state tournaments. I think it has been that way for a long time, at least in Illinois. How or why any team would think that they could get into a regional after not playing in the state tournament is a new one on me, but I'm no expert on how Connie Mack works. I say let's wait and hear from someone close to the situation.
The AABC runs Connie Mack Baseball. The reason I mention it is that while my son played for a Travel Team at 14, their big goal was the AABC State and then the Regional Tourney. They needed to qualify and had a few chances to do it but failed. Nonetheless they did in fact play in The AABC State Championships that year even though they failed to qualify.

Perhaps they at that time and The Sparks this year were told they could fill in for a Team that qualified but did not go to State.

The AABC has allowed it in the past.

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