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As Shortstopmom points out if varies.
For our school, typically they had to be back to the hotel by 8:30 and back into their rooms at 9:00.
It wasn't lights out, just accounted for in your room by 9:00. Often times there are meetings after dinner, so it can vary a lot - game time, etc.
They usually would all pile into the bus, go somewhere to eat- get back on the bus and back to the hotel. Depending on where the hotel was located, sometimes there was not a whole lot to do (by design, I would think Wink)
As iheartbb and shortstopmom had indicated, it varies schools and by situations, but for the most part, the coaches make decisions based on game time situations weather coming off the field late at night getting ready for an early morning game or just making sure the players don't get in trouble staying out late at night.

In iheartbb's situation, getting back in to the hotel by 8:30 is a little rough but that makes that coach such a well respected coach Smile
Last edited by Homerun04
It depends upon gametime. for most programs.

Not only is there curfew on the road, but at home as well. Most coaches are trusting, in most college towns there is really not much to do after a certain hour, most impose rules on drinking rather than what time you have to be in. It's pretty hard to check up on everyone on that, but you better not be seen at a place when you are supposed to be at home.
Most college coaches treat there players as adults, by springtime most have settled into a routine and know what is expected of them, curfew just becomes a formality. There are only two places where my son's coach actually imposed strict curfew, that was while in Miami and at their conference tourney, not even in Omaha, unless they had an early game. Most players know how to take care of business by that time late in the year.
Curfew? --- Yes home and away --- during season and off season. Enforced? --- very seldom if ever. I think the curfew issues were addressed during the recruiting phase and mostly for parental ears. Of course players are expected to act "properly" as a member of the team but I got the impression that "properly" is left up to the coach for interpretation ----- as it should be.
Originally posted by Brickhouse:
Let me ask you this then. How many hours of sleep a night would you say that your teenage/college athlete is getting?

I am not sure what the first question has to do with the second.

During season, most players on the road spend most of their free time catching up on sleep. I know that son's coach had a rule, you had to get up, eat breakfast and he didn't care what you did until the bus was ready to roll to the field (except no sitting out in the sun allowed). He didn't care what time you went to bed as long as you were in your room by curfew, or close to it.

Every heard of xbox? Big Grin During season son had little time to play, but on teh road teh xbox always came along, as did pc's for watching movies.
Last edited by TPM
Jerseyson didn't choose the college route however he found he had a curfew at the fall intstructional league.

The complex he lived in has electronic doors locks that would not open after 11pm. I found it kind of ammusing that his curfew in pro ball was earlier than the one he had at home during high school.

I don't think he thought it was quite as ammusing as I did.
Last edited by jerseydad

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