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...while I know it is their job to be cynical, and this is a real feel good story, that is easy to question...was surprised that many of the "experts" have become cynical enough about "over 35 athletes" setting records that they are wondering if she is really "clean"...

I certainly hope she is clean, and her regimen is certainly astounding...but we have been fooled over and over by athletes extending their careers with a little pharmaceutical help while attributing their success to their work out regimen..

Cool 44
Since steroid tests dont tell you if their is testosterone in your system, but instead tells you how much...(and as long as your in a range, your clean). It is presumable that she is using the extensive blood tests to keep her testosterone up, but just below the threshold that is allowed.

I dont know that this is the case...just surmising.
Since steroid tests dont tell you if their is testosterone in your system, but instead tells you how much...(and as long as your in a range, your clean). It is presumable that she is using the extensive blood tests to keep her testosterone up, but just below the threshold that is allowed.

I dont know that this is the case...just surmising.

She asked to be tested more frequently and more in depth because she knew there would be doubts. That information is per one of her interviews on national TV with Matt Lauer (I believe). I find it amazing that the pundants feel it is ok to question her use of PHD's without mentioning that fact. Maybe it just helps ratings to be negative and cast dispersions on someone's reputation without any evidence to the contrary.

I try to never assume or surmise negatively without a little proof or evidence.
My husband was a collegiate swimmer, and now at age 54 swims with the "masters" (a.k.a. old folks) in the Gator swim club. He says that it makes sense to him that at age 41 she would be able to compete at a world class level in the 50 and 100. He thinks it's possible that her age may even give her a strength advantage over younger swimmers in the sprints. He believes that she's doing it on her own. I think she's awesome.
Last edited by 2Bmom

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