Though it may seem a little early for a kid to be really close to making a decision with regards to picking a DIII school, a request from one of the schools coaches that my son apply Early Decision so that he "knows I have you locked up and can stop recruiting at your position" is sort of forcing us to make an early choice. We are kind of surprised that he didn't garner much interest from the higher divisions but I guess that's the way it goes with lots of folks.
Anyway, unless some other schools come out of the woodwork in the next 1 1/2 months (E.D. deadline is Nov. 15), my son has narrowed things down to three schools. The choices are so diverse I thought some might find it interesting. These are three schools whose coaches have told my son "We REALLY want you and need you here, blah blah blah." My son has visited all three schools multiple times and likes the campuses and coaches a great deal. See if any of you have any advice/opinions to give. School #1 is a very exclusive school in the Liberty League, had an off year last year but won the conference the year before I believe. The coach is young, passionate and energetic and has been in contact with my son since last July. My son needed the "support" of the baseball coach but the Admissions Dept. says if my son's first quarter grades are in line with those already on his transcript then they will accept him. Tuition (not including room, board, fees, ect..) $32,000. School #2 is also a very nice school in the Commonwealth Coast Conference. They had a .500 conference record last season and an overall losing record. Coach is basically the same personality as the coach above and has not tried to hide the fact that his team is in dire need of a catcher in the fall of 2007. My son really likes this coach as well. Tuition about $24,000. School #3 is a state school in the Little East Conference, (son says this is a big deal, a strong DIII conference). They had a 19-18 record last season which was this very young coach's first season as a head coach. Though we didn't think we were going to like the campus, or be impressed with the baseball program before we visited, we were pleasantly surprised by both. My son could attend this school tuition free because of something called the John and Abigail Adams Scholarship which is given to students who do well on certain standardized tests (MCAS) in Massachusetts.
My son is a little torn, no, a lot torn about where to attend. There wouldn't be that much urgency if it wasn't for that pressure to apply ED from school #1. What do you all think?
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