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Hello to all,

I am still getting the hang of the HS DH rule, and needed some clarification.

I am planning to DH for my Catcher, however if a situation arises, I would like to move my 3B to the mound in relief. The DH for this situation is also my backup 3B and would like to put him into that position. So what would have to happen? Thanks, if you need more info, let me know, hope this doesnt sound like a dumb question.
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Originally posted by az40d:
Hello to all,

I am still getting the hang of the HS DH rule, and needed some clarification.

I am planning to DH for my Catcher, however if a situation arises, I would like to move my 3B to the mound in relief. The DH for this situation is also my backup 3B and would like to put him into that position. So what would have to happen? Thanks, if you need more info, let me know, hope this doesnt sound like a dumb question.

Once a player who is/has been a DH moves to a defensive position, the role of the DH is terminated. Also, the DH and his defensive counterpart are locked into the batting order.

If you want to move F6 to pitch, you now have your pitcher's spot in the order open. Since the DH and his defensive counterpart cannot be on the field at the same time, you can either:

Bring in your DH to play F6, put in a new catcher in the vacant pitcher's spot, and lose the DH, or:

Bring in a different player to play F6, and keep your DH and catcher.
Thanks Matt, appreciate it.

Two more quick questions,

If I left the DH in to hit for the C, and moved the 3B to the mound and the 1B to 3B and the P to 1B everything is still in order? ( nothing really changed, but defensive positions that didnt involve the DH)

-The other big scenario. If I DH'd for the Catcher, but wanted to bring in the DH to pitch, does the Catcher have to come out? Technically, I would want to leave the first pitcher in for a defensive position as well, but need the DH to pitch, but also would like to keep the Catcher in. THANKS EVERYONE, its starting to click for me.
Originally posted by az40d:
If I left the DH in to hit for the C, and moved the 3B to the mound and the 1B to 3B and the P to 1B everything is still in order? ( nothing really changed, but defensive positions that didnt involve the DH)

As long as there are no alterations to the batting order, you can move defensive positions amongst each other.

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