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Canseco also said on ESPN that he DID NOT think that Roger Clemens took steroids. He does not say that A-Rod took steroids but he implies that he did. Even if a lot of what he has said in the past has proven to be true, I think a lot of what he says is very questionable. His past shows that he is not a person of high charactor.
I believed A-Rod and believe he was telling the truth about each question asked. When asked whether he used, without flinching or batting his eyes, he said no. Those actions and the way he responded seemed truthful to me. I was very impressed with the young man. I didn't detect him make even one excuse for his playoff performance and I admired that.
Last edited by ClevelandDad
Considering the power he showed as a slender 19-year-old, getting to where he is after 13 years of MLB experience and building himself up through legitimate work in the weight room, to me his numbers don't seem to suggest steroid use in and of themselves. It's not like he suddenly went from 30 to 70 HR's.

There has been no evidence of use by A-Rod, he cleared 9 tests last year, and his high productivity predates the rise of HGH as the PED of choice.

I hope Canseco's wrong on this one.
Yes, A-Roid and many, many others probably use something. They don't get that good and strong by accident.....

Then how did Babe Ruth, Micky Mantle, Willie Mays, Hank Aaron, Cal Ripken, Ted Williams, etc. get that good?

Are we to the point that no one can possibly be good or strong without steroids? Will there never be another great "natural" ball player? That doesn't even make sense!
Originally posted by Midlo Dad:
Considering the power he showed as a slender 19-year-old, getting to where he is after 13 years of MLB experience and building himself up through legitimate work in the weight room, to me his numbers don't seem to suggest steroid use in and of themselves. It's not like he suddenly went from 30 to 70 HR's.

There has been no evidence of use by A-Rod, he cleared 9 tests last year, and his high productivity predates the rise of HGH as the PED of choice.

I hope Canseco's wrong on this one.

Good post and great points. However, will we ever be able to look at anyone in the same light ever again. I like how he has taken control of his own destiny.

What I want to know is if he had collegan injections in his lips and the color of his lip gloss.

My husband said he thinks it is the "clear".
Last edited by TPM

Canseco always reaches for the big names--it sells books

As for A-Rod passing tests---The Rocket has never failed a test either nor have many others named or unnamed

I have used this example previously and I will again --until the year Maris hit 61 HRS he never had more than 39 HRS in a season before or after the 61 HR season---think about it---in the history of baseball many have had "career years" and never matched them again
Last edited by TRhit
Originally posted by PGStaff:
Yes, A-Roid and many, many others probably use something. They don't get that good and strong by accident.....

Then how did Babe Ruth, Micky Mantle, Willie Mays, Hank Aaron, Cal Ripken, Ted Williams, etc. get that good?

Are we to the point that no one can possibly be good or strong without steroids? Will there never be another great "natural" ball player? That doesn't even make sense!

It's not that they were really good, they just looked that way because the rest of the league was always weak. Stars of the past can't hold a candle to the stars of today. Old school is, well, old.
Originally posted by Midlo Dad:
Considering the power he showed as a slender 19-year-old, getting to where he is after 13 years of MLB experience and building himself up through legitimate work in the weight room, to me his numbers don't seem to suggest steroid use in and of themselves. It's not like he suddenly went from 30 to 70 HR's.

There has been no evidence of use by A-Rod, he cleared 9 tests last year, and his high productivity predates the rise of HGH as the PED of choice.

There's no MLB test for HGH.

I hope Canseco's wrong on this one.
Absolutely Not

You don't put up these kinds of power numbers without some outside help.

Arod used the same bs as Clemons did on the "60 minutes" interview when they asked Arod why he was so much better than anyone else, he said that it is because he was up working out at 6 in the morning while everyone else was sleeping. At this level very few players get out worked. Same with Clemons he had his apologists spouting how his workouts were just so much more strenuous than anyone else.

You have to be totally naive to think that arod and others like Pujols are not using the junk. I suspect that upwards of 70% of the mlb is using something.
yeah but barry bonds still says he never took steriods and who believes him??? not me. i think its only a matter of time until someone says somethin bout a-rod. the next major leaguer that people will think took steroids.... albert pujols. its always the power hitters that people think take steroids. how bout someone take a look at the other players who said in the mitchell report they took steriods. brian roberts??? not a big guy. nook logan??? probably weights 150 pounds. its not always the big guys.
If you have noticed, the deniers do not say that they have never used steroids or HGH.

They have said that they never knowingly used or have never used any substance on the MLB banned list.

Those who have never used can say without qualification that they have never used.

ARod says without qualification that he has never used.
Remember Rafael Palmeiro????????

Rafael Palmeiro jabbed his finger in the air for emphasis and raised his voice with all the indignation of a man falsely accused.

“I have never used steroids. Period,” he told a congressional panel in March.

On Monday Aug 1, 2005 nearly five months later, the Baltimore Orioles slugger became baseball’s highest-profile player to be suspended 10 days for using steroids.

"Always remember that a mouth never refused words and paper never refused ink"

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