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Ok, before anyone complains that it's too early to start Christmas shopping...... I start in the summer!

Last year, we had some good thoughts passed around on this subject. Anyone started shopping, know what you're getting sons, daughters, husbands?

I'm actually going in a couple of weeks and try to do a huge amount of my shopping! Smile
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I LOVE Christmas shopping and everything else involved with the holiday!! But I actually like to be in the middle of the crowds, carrying lots of shopping bags right before Christmas-then coming home and wrapping all evening long-just makes it seem like the holidays. So I have about two months before I'll be starting!!Call me "crazy."
I'm another one who likes to wait until the Christmas spirit hits, usually not til the second weekend in December. I tend to spend less that way too - less time to run out for "one more thing"!

No ideas yet on gifts, but now that the kiddos are getting older, money seems to be the preferred choice. Being creative with the money gifts is my new challenge! How many ways can you conceal and wrap a $20 bill?

Last year we played a Christmas trivia game - every time you open a package with cash in it, you have to answer a Christmas related question. Get it right and you keep the cash... miss it, and the next one in line just might steal your gift! We made sure everybody ended the day with the right "gift", but it was a fun way to get some Christmas thinking back into the gift exchange.

One of these years we're going to take a wonderful family trip and forgo the gift giving altogether. The time together as a family is getting to be the best part of Christmas! I dream of a holiday spent snowed in somewhere in a warm, cozy cabin with a blazing fire... no phones, no TV, no hustle and bustle... anybody wanna join me?
One of these years we're going to take a wonderful family trip and forgo the gift giving altogether. The time together as a family is getting to be the best part of Christmas! I dream of a holiday spent snowed in somewhere in a warm, cozy cabin with a blazing fire... no phones, no TV, no hustle and bustle... anybody wanna join me?

Well....this is what we are doing this year. Altho, a slightly different twist....think warm, tropical breezes, drinks with little umbrellas, turquoise ocean and sailing from port to port. We aren't forgoing the gift giving all together...but Santa will certainly leave alot less than usual under our tree this year. But, to us.....we realized that our kids really do not need anything material at this point in their lives, but family is priceless! Smile
Luvbb - A family trip is a marvelous way to celebrate the holidays! Something I've always thought about but have never done.

Mythreesons - What a great twist on giving cash. I'll admit that I LOVE to shop for my loved ones and friends for the holidays. It is truly a joy for me to be able to find that "perfect" gift. I have never gone the cash or gift certificate route. However, with the added fun your family shares, I think that's a great gift exchange!

ORMom - I'm with you! It's a joyous time of year isn't it!!!
Tis' the season,.la di dah di dah dahhhhh....I'm liken' this post already!

Its NEVER too early to think about Christmas!

Fa la la la laaaaaa,...( woops... ok, so maybe its a tad-wee-bit too early for me to be belting out actual Christmas carols like a monotoned, off key, oversized, crazed, 6th grade boy, in the back of the Christmas pageant chorus line, who was told to " be louder ", ) so I'll keep my singing/humming to myself for now,..but come the day after Thanksgiving,..plug your ears ladies cause its a free for all after that, and it won't be pretty. They actually pay me NOT to sing happy birthday at parties!!! ha ha! Big Grin

I have absolutely not one, new creative, exciting, or improved idea to post here. I am no help at all,...I stink at this!! You can bet that I will be continually checking in and taking notes.
I NEED ideas!! Help, help,...( first year oldest son will not be home for the holidays,..I am pouting already. Must make holidays fun for other two siblings still at home. ) Perhaps, shake up the ol' routine and take a trip to Florida where oldest son will be stationed?? Hmmm,..pretty pricey time of year to do that though,....but Xmas on the beach sounds dreamy. Could stay conservative and stay here ( already have mini tree, with ornaments, lights, you-name-it-got it, along with tacky-tuna, aloha-attire-wearing, saxaphone-playing, Santa to send to oldest son for his barracks room )...

What to do what to do???? I'll keep checking back in here for ideas.

Hmmm, know, you wrap up about three new X-box games,..and shoot,..that's practically the same price as an airplane ticket to paradise! ( I'm trying to validate my reasoning! ha!)

Off to Tarjaaay and Hobby Lobby I go,...and I can't get those Xmas carols outta my head, I'll be singin' in the car like a looney bird today, getting all kinds of paranoid looks from by passers!! crazy ( tee-hee )

Hi ho- hi ho,'s off to shopping I goooooooooo!!!! Need more spider webs to add to the spooky decor, for ladies BUNCO being hosted at my house tomorrow night.

Baseball jack-o-lantern front and center on the porch!

( And perhaps I need a few more bags of m&m's,..and maybe a few more bags of chips,...cider,....the list grows on....)
Sing with me won't ya???
Rudolph the red nosed,...hum hum hum hum di hummmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!! Wink
Last edited by shortstopmom

This probably wouldn't go over great with any of our "guys"...but if you have family members or GIRLS to buy gifts for...I love this sight. If you click on it, you will find stationery products where you can customize the stationery with "stick figures" doing the activity best indicative of your gift-receiver. Click on the left hand column and hit "stick figures" and you will find even more stationery ideas for people. SEriously, the selection of stick figures is amazing, you can find one doing practically ANY activity. And, you can customize hair color, hair length and style, glasses, etc. Check it out. I'm getting these pads of paper for my nieces this year. is another link to three pages of "Rawlings Accessories". These are GREAT! Albeit, some are VERY expensive....BUT, if you are looking for a piece of luggage for your son that will last a lifetime, made of Rawlings Baseball leather, and of course have the connection to baseball...this is for you. Also, they have some less expensive items like Rawlings luggage tags (good for when the guys are travelling), Rawlings Homeplate mousepad, Rawlings Travel Kits (also good for the guys when travelling to put their toiletries into), Rawlings Wallets, etc. All made from genuine Rawlings leather...they look just like the glove leather.

FYI...I splurged on one of these for my son last year and he has a messenger/scout bag. He is a secondary education major and is now visiting classrooms and will be teaching later this semester. He is using his to carry his papers and teaching materials everyday into the classroom. He loves the Rawlings leather...and he likes being able to display the baseball connection.

Just another idea from your friendly Christmas personal shopper! Smile
Last edited by luvbb
OH MY GOODNESS,.....I am going to have to show my BUNCO gals this site tomorrow night. ( they aren't baseball mom's,..but I'm gonna let them peek in, anyways!) You guys are just starting and this post already has the BEST Christmas ideas!!! LOVE the stationery,...much cuter and more details than any others I have seen! And I gotta tell ya,..I have the Rawlings backpack purse,... and its DREAMY!! Nope, Prada, Coach, Loui V., purse for me,...I got myself a Rawlings! You'de be suprised how many people comment on it! Kinda pricey,..but I have a feeling I'm going to get my $'s worth when it still looks good after about 5 years! ha!

Keep the ideas comin' gals!....and if anyone happens to see Santa,....this ol' shortstopmomma wouldn't mind the round the world via private jet excursion!...I've been pretty naughty, er uh,..good this year! Big Grin

CUTE license plate purse idea too, daughter will be a new trend setter!! Cute cute cute!!!!
Last edited by shortstopmom
responding to those taking a trip. Five years ago we went on our dream trip to the islands for Christmas. Explained that this was our christmas and no presents would be bought. Christmas eve I look around and there are a number of wrapped gifts sitting in my husband and childrens suit cases. Needless to say I was the crazy mom shopping on christmas eve for the rest of the family. We had to buy another suitcase to get home our christmas presents
Oh Luvbb - I was thinking "man in brown" before I ever got to that last comment! For those of you that don't know Luvbb, she has motives for shopping online outside of the convenience factor! Big Grin You know, you may need to sneak his pic one of these days and send to me! LOL Just tell him you're helping your daughter with some school project or some such!!! Big Grin
( giggle-giggle )
Picture scenario: ...UPS man, Hawaii,...young, tall & tan, hunky former football stud player,...who wore UPS shorts !!!!!
Results? Many gal-pal neighbors became QVC & HSN addicted!!!
Buzzzzz goes the doorbell,..UPS man!!
Ahhhhh, the day goes by so much quicker when ya got something to look forward to!

Come to think of it, the bottled water guy wasn't too bad either.

( shame on us!!! ....HA! ) Big Grin
Last edited by shortstopmom
Boy oh Boy! Thought I'd get some good ideas off here for Christmas but realize the first thing I better do this morning is make sure I tell MY UPS man how cute his legs look in his browns!
Got to remember to build him up 'cause it looks like there's alot of competition out there!!

PAbbmom....must be nice having your own personal UPS guy! Wink
Gals, if you or your kids don't have an American Eagle Pass card I think it's called, get one. My daughter signed up (it's free) last summer.... it gives points based on your purchases. I received a card in the mail yesterday which I used last night to do some Christmas shopping.... the card gave me 40% off! That's a pretty big discount!

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