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You have to listen to the words the coach says. I have a friend who was told that with the amount of his sons scholarship he should be the starting short stop. My friend took that as he was going to be the starting short day 1. The starting short stop the year befoe was a freshman. I had to explain to him that what the coach said was, "I'm giving you a lot of money you better be worth it or don't expect the same amount next year."

I will add to it that you can put it on speaker phone if you know ahead of time and record it on another phone so you can know what said not what you think was said.  I still have the one where my son was offered by a certain SEC school on my phone.  It helped to be able to go back and listen to it again and be able to decipher what he said and what he meant.

You are going to hear all kinds of great things.  "I love the way you play", "I can see you being an immediate contributor to our program", "I can't wait to see you on campus"... yada, yada, yada.  It's all baloney designed to keep the kid interested until the coach decides what he wants to do.  Take it all with a grain of salt until you here "Here is my offer.  xx% of total COA...".

Coach from a D3 school on the "list" called 2024 out-of-the-blue this morning -- and he was still sleeping! Ha! School starts this Thursday, so we weren't surprised he was zonked out. The call did wake him up, though, and he saw that it was from out of the area, listened to the message, and called back right away. Coach said that they are working on 2023's now, but wanted to introduce himself as he liked what he saw in the videos that he had posted.

2024 and Coach had emailed each other a few times, but this was the first actual conversation he'd ever had. 2024 said it went well, covering academics, why XYZ U., and ball. Coach asked 2024 to stay in touch and send updates, and that he'd do the same, and thanked him for his interest and time. Pretty cool!

Coach from a D3 school on the "list" called 2024 out-of-the-blue this morning -- and he was still sleeping! Ha! School starts this Thursday, so we weren't surprised he was zonked out. The call did wake him up, though, and he saw that it was from out of the area, listened to the message, and called back right away. Coach said that they are working on 2023's now, but wanted to introduce himself as he liked what he saw in the videos that he had posted.

2024 and Coach had emailed each other a few times, but this was the first actual conversation he'd ever had. 2024 said it went well, covering academics, why XYZ U., and ball. Coach asked 2024 to stay in touch and send updates, and that he'd do the same, and thanked him for his interest and time. Pretty cool!

Does your son have a list of specific questions to ask the coach on the follow up communication? 

FWIW, my son kept a separate notebook  for those calls.  He wrote down the date, the name of the person he spoke with, and the main things they talked about.  Also wrote down if it was the first, second, third, call, etc.  He kept a list of questions in the front of the notebook so that he would ask the same things each time.  Kind of fun to have that as a keepsake at the end of the process!

@RHP_Parent posted:

FWIW, my son kept a separate notebook  for those calls.  He wrote down the date, the name of the person he spoke with, and the main things they talked about.  Also wrote down if it was the first, second, third, call, etc.  He kept a list of questions in the front of the notebook so that he would ask the same things each time.  Kind of fun to have that as a keepsake at the end of the process!

My 2024 does the same thing except they are all "Notes" in his phone.  He reviews it before each call with the different schools.

One key is for son to ask specific questions that will tell him just how closely (or not) the coach is following him and if coach' perception of son is accurate.   I'll use a quote from that previous thread as example...

“From what you’ve seen so far, what part of my game should I be working on?  How do you think I should work on that part of my game?”

Asking the coach where he is on their board accomplishes this more directly but this is most often more appropriate for a subsequent conversation.

Related, son should make it a point to mention three specific things he likes about the school (unique to that school) to assure coach there is mutual interest.  This is very much a part of what the coach is looking for.

Cabbagedad is right on!  No different then what the players will be using when they start their career.  Isn't job searching the same process but 4-5 years later?  Any career coach will tell you to ask questions and know a lot about the executive(s) you will be speaking and their company.  Know a lot about the HC/RC and know a lot about their school to engage convo!

@RHP_Parent posted:

FWIW, my son kept a separate notebook  for those calls.  He wrote down the date, the name of the person he spoke with, and the main things they talked about.  Also wrote down if it was the first, second, third, call, etc.  He kept a list of questions in the front of the notebook so that he would ask the same things each time.  Kind of fun to have that as a keepsake at the end of the process!

My son did this also.  He kept notes on a spreadsheet tracking all communications with coaches on his list, starting with his first introductory email to each school, through the calls and texts, to the final phone calls letting coaches know where he had committed.  It really helped keep track of it all and also to gauge how serious different programs were.

Thanks for the thoughts, everyone! I like the idea of keeping a written journal! 2024 does use an online software program that tracks and organizes everything. He also has a list of questions to ask, but after today recognized the need to update that list after another coach call him this morning. This school (D3) is also on his "list" and they spoke for about 30 minutes. They had emailed one another a couple of times prior this summer. Coach said that they will be working the 2023's after fall ball, but definitely wants updates and would like to stay in touch.

2024 is interested in attending a smaller school at his point in time, thus more of a focus on D3 schools, though not limited to them.

He told me today that during the call on Monday the coach did ask how tall mom and dad are. Poor kid, probably screwed his chances right there and then!

As many have mentioned before -- do not underestimate the need to get out there and market yourself!!

My son started riding home with us after every game. Spent the drive texting each coach he was serious about with his stats from the game, how he felt about what he did, what he planned to work on from the game and at least one or two comments about how the team did. In addition to learning his stats, coaches learned how he thought about the game and about making himself better.

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