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Krak brought forward his first post in another thread - and I thought it was fun to see way back when - and went searching for my own first post.

Rather than hijack that other thread, I am starting a new thread for people to bring back their first posts.

Looking back I have certainly learned a lot from HSBBW that was invaluable to my son's journey through high school baseball and beyond. At the same time, my first post shows sadly how little baseball has changed:

From the thread "Destroying Arms"


HSBBWeb Old Timer

Posted June 03, 2004 04:12 PM Hide Post
It really is scary to see what some coaches will do for today. Last week my son's Pony team (13-14 year olds) played against another team in the area. The starting pitcher for the other team was a 13 YO who had not pitched all year due to a sore elbow (according to their manager). He proceed to throw a complete game, 7 innings with 124 pitches (from my scorebook). I would guess that 40+ of the pitches were curveballs - essentially he threw one every time he was ahead in the count.

Their team (and ours) are both winding down sub .500 seasons - nothing about this game mattered from a playoffs or anything else perspective. The pitcher wasn't particularly effective, giving up 11 runs in a 11 - 4 loss.

I just don't get it...
" There's nothing cooler than a guy who does what we dream of doing, and then enjoys it as much as we dream we would enjoy it. " -- Scott Ostler on Tim Lincecum
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My very first posts are gone. I actually began posting in October of '04, but had some sort of problem and my screename and login got purged. Bob reset me and I guess this was the first login after that happened. I can remember emailing Bob in a panic - one of my biggest past-times was gone!!

This is from a thread started by TR regarding New Year's Resolutions. Smile I went through and read a few of old posts of mine. It's amazing how our lives as well as other HSBBW friends lives have changed since then.

Posted December 30, 2004 08:57 AM Hide Post
I wish everyone a great new year with much happiness, success, and good health. As a parent of an unsigned '05 I hope to help him find the perfect fit for college while not taking away from what should be a great senior year. I want him to have wonderful lifelong memories of friends, coaches, games, and parents from this senior year! Blessings to all in 2005!
Posts: 5304 | Location: Kentucky | Registered: December 30, 2004
Last edited by lafmom
Here's one of mine.....

Posted January 13, 2004 05:08 PM Hide Post

I’ve been watching this forum for a while and I still can’t think of any one day that made me think my kid is a player. I can think of different occasions, some big, some small; so small that only a Mom or Dad would see. Rather than turning this into a Dad brag and talk about specific times, I would rather give general ideas.

Whenever he was confronted with a challenge, he would always rise to the pressure and achieve results. Whenever given an opportunity, he would double off the fence. Whenever he is given a bad situation, he would give a quiet word of encouragement to his team mates. Is this a boy turning into a player, or a boy turning into a man?

He has had a lot of success between the foul lines, and more is to come. But we are most proud of who he is becoming outside the lines.

The Bullwinkle is verklempt, talk amongst yourselves.
Here's mine:

Posted September 03, 2007 04:02 AM Hide Post

New to the thread, but have to comment.
I know that my son had to sign a "Prospective Student Athlete declaration" which was an A-M bulletted declaration encompasing a wide range of declarations that "I did not do this, my family was not give this, I was not entertained outside a 30 mile range of the campus.....etc."

There were 3 other lines pertinent to this thread
"I have not participated in.....
*Consumption of alcohol and/or illegal drugs
*Adult entertainment (including entertainment clubs and hiring of escort/exotic dancers
*Entered drinking establishments if you or the prospect are under the age of 21.

Each prospect was required to sign and date this.

We as parents of a D-1 player in California, expect that when we tour a campus, meet coaches and team memebers that they are in compliance with the NCAA D-l recruiting rules and regulations. These coaches are to be the next guiding influence for our son over the next 3-4 years. I am interested in the role they will play, and yes they play a signifigant role. We actually chose the school we did, not because of the size/publicity of the program, but whom we were sending our son to be educated in the classroom and on the field. Too many people are hung up on the status...Find the place that your son will succeed and be developed not only as a player, but as a person. Our son was academically able to go just about anywhere - grades and test scores - ultimately he chose a school that was not as high profile, but where he felt everything fit. This is all such a personal decision, my advice, do not get caught up in the hype - take the time to find the best place for your player academically and athletically. It does no good for a player to a big program and sit, ball players need to play. With the new transfer rules in place this becomes even more important - find the best fit...just my two cents.

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