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Heritage Institute Distance Courses

Course # PE489a: FOR ALL COACHES: Create Your Own Coaching/PE Course for University Credit
Are you looking to implement a new skill, drill, offense, defense, or philosophy into your sports program? This course gives you the opportunity to earn clock hours or credits for studying and utilizing instructional videos, coaching clinics, motivational speakers, playbooks, and other coaching related media. This course is open to all coaches at any level, teacher and non-teachers alike. As a participant you will have the opportunity to select and develop the materials that best suit your coaching assignment and be able to utilize that information in a way that will benefit your athletes and your program. Does your state require you to earn coaching clock hours or credits? This course will help satisfy those requirements. Do you need clock hours or credits to move up on your state’s pay scale? This course will help fulfill those opportunities.

Do you coach more than one sport? This course may be taken multiple times for different sports that you might be associated with or under different categories within a sport (i.e. offense, defense, hitting, pitching, etc) or. This course is an excellent opportunity for you to earn credit or get clock hours for work you are already doing within your sports program. With the assistance of your faculty advisor you will submit the necessary documents, pay the tuition fee and receive credit or hours. Good luck next season!

Click the following link for more information:

Or go the Heritage/Antioch Universtiy website: and click on new classes for more information
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