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I'm not entirely unhappy with where my 2018 is right now. Velocity is decent and he's getting mechanically sound in a lot of key areas except one. I've never had a kid with this problem, so I'm not that adept at working with (or around) it. His glove side adds nothing to velocity. I can't seem to do anything about it. Now, admittedly, it's the last thing I've tried dealing with as we've taken things one correction at a time, but take a look at the video and, if anyone has any ideas on fixes to his glove side arm, I'd love to hear them.

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I don't see any problems to be honest.  What you DON'T want is a guy who yanks his glove side and pulls his shoulders around rather than fire his rear hip through first.  He is taking his body out to his glove the way that he should.   Glove hand will naturally go out away from the body.  His does so, albeit later than most, but it gets out there.  

It looks different, but many pitchers have quirks in their delivery that work for them.

I can't help but think that such an early hand break may be contributing some to the issue. The left arm has to just kind of "hang" in position. 

I feel more comfortable generating momentum with my lead arms are able to "pull apart" at break, for lack of a better term. 

That doesn't help a lot, as it involves a huge change, but not sure how to create more momentum glove side with that delivery.

Mot knocking his delivery of it successful for him. Just my thought from a 10 second clip.  

Shoveit4Ks posted:

I can't help you but wonder, after seeing the video, that his grip being exposed so early due to the hip twist that it could be used to tip off hitters on the pitch type? I know this is Slo-mo......prob very difficult in real time.

That's actually something I used to worry about. Especially when his finger is up on a curve grip. I mainly noticed it from still shots. Though, after discussing it with quite a few people, including a few ex-mlb hitters, I'm told that any attempt to move focus from that spot, low and behind his back, in order to pick up the grip is negated by the difficulty in moving the focus back up to release where it should be. I was a lousy hitter in high school, but the idea made sense to me.

If you look at the Verlander clips and pay attention to his glove side movements, which are more traditional, I've just wondered if my kid is missing out on some possible velocity gains and, in some way, putting additional stress on his arm from slightly underdeveloped deceleration mechanics. I ask, because I'm just not sure.

roothog66 posted:

Backpick, where do you see arm cock as happening. I see it occurring by footstrike, which is what I try to accomplish. Maybe I'm missing something. I know some do, but I don't have a problem with falling off glove side. I consider the following pretty solid mechanics.


His arm is where it needs to be at foot strike, despite the fact he drops his arm so low, because he breaks his hands so early. Normally a kid dropping his hand that low worries me, for the reasons mentioned above, which put a ton of stress on the elbow. Verlander has a much more traditional timing for separation. 

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