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TPM, size, power, velocity, agility, timing, approach and what kind of fight is in your belly! Doctors train to be doctors! Baseball Players train to become Professional Baseball Players! I like my son's chances! If I were a betting man? I can only tell you what other scouts, professional baseball players, coaches, have reiterated in regards to his talent, and achievements, mind you... he just turned 16 years of age! 216 lbs., 6"ft and growing!

Good grades are important even if a kid wants to sign out of high school. Without good grades a draftee loses bargaining power if he doesn't have a great college offer to leverage. A kid should go to college unless he gets life changing money. It's a big challenge to be eighteen competing against more physically and mentally mature twenty-one and twenty-two year olds in A ball. 

I tell my 2016 that he is one injury away from being a student only and that the odds say that he will earn a living with his brain, not a ball. My job as a parent is to prepare him for any eventuality. Make the best grades you are capable of and prepare to make the most of your physical talents. In my opinion, you are not nurturing the whole child if it's all about athletics. At some point, his playing days will be over, and at a minimum, he will need the education to ensure his financial security. I am from Houston, and I can recall a time when the great J.R. Richard lived in a cardboard box under a freeway. I'm sure his parents never thought that would happen. 

My job is to fill his mind with everything I know... I am 51 yrs. old, I Teach my son, how to be a MAN!  his talent we develope and enhance. In life we fight, that's all! If he makes the Big Leagues, good! We have sacrificed our time and effort! At 6' 0" 216 lbs., at the age of 16 yrs., of age, with Black Belts, Brn. Belts, Blue Belts, etc., with 5 STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS! Compete everyone?

\ I the only one who doesn't understand how a Little League and PONY League State TEAM championships and 3 non baseball related state championships have to do with this thread about grades?  I don't care what your child's TEAM has done, there will be a time when his baseball days are over.  That's where having the self-discipline to make good grades in school will be most important.  Does he have the eduction to support himself at age 22, 32, 42...?



Bilal K -


You must be careful in filling your son's mind with everything you know - young minds can only take so much information. It took me many years to learn to teleport, and my rich aunt Zoot was very careful with my early training so I did not damage and burn down the house. You too should be very careful with your son. Make sure he does not like anything fluffy and furry as it will attract a Grue. 


Let us know when your son reaches 6'2" and 227.5 lbs.


Oh and long toss is good for young arms and improving grades.







Last edited by TimtheEnchanter
Originally Posted by TimtheEnchanter:

Bilal K -


You must be careful in filling your son's mind with everything you know - young minds can only take so much information. It took me many years to learn to teleport, and my rich aunt Zoot was very careful with my early training so I did not damage and burn down the house. You too should be very careful with your son. Make sure he does not like anything fluffy and furry as it will attract a Grue. 


Let us know when your son reaches 6'2" and 227.5 lbs.


Oh and long toss is good for young arms and improving grades.







Nice bio.  Got some extra time on your hands in the off season, eh pardner?


Be careful.  I think the guy threatened to have his son beat me up.



No one holds a candle to the guy who wanted to know the best state where his son could play year round and he could build a full size field next to the house he was going to build. If I recall he had a jet also. TPM probably remembers him. Classic. 


JCG, no one messes with Tim the Enchanter ! 

Tim,I grew up in a place called Scudder Homes! in Newark, N.J., I had a guy on this blog call me a moron? For trying to achieve... I am enjoying fatherhood with the genetics and intellect that is key for the survival/education of my lil' man! also we suffer from a condition that is called Machismo, We FIGHT! I do not need anyone's permission or opinion to exist and prosper! by the way there are levels to a fight. Anyway, thank you for your advice in regards to preparing my child for the realities and people in life.

Originally Posted by Bilal K. Almutasim:

NYDAD, Stop! Our approach is not humble, it is competitive! A winner in whatever you put your mind to, this is the only way to exercise will! THIS IS WHY WE TRAIN! THIS IS WHY WE ACHIEVE! THIS IS WHY WE GROW,,, FOLLOW!


You can always be competitive.  But always be humble also.


He who speaks without modesty will find it difficult to make his words good.



Originally Posted by Bilal K. Almutasim:

NYDAD, We are family! I was born in Elmhurst Queens and lived on Albany St., in Brooklyn, I can be a good guy... once I find like people! SUCKER FREE,,, My responsibility is to my child and wife! THAT's ALL! is that wrong?


Your responsibilities aren't wrong, but it's nothing that should be spoken of. It's what a husband and father SHOULD do.  There are no awards for that.


Let your son's actions and accomplishments speak for themselves.  Be proud, but do not boast.  That's my opinion.


And we're not family.  Trust me.


Originally Posted by RJM:
The second coming of Frank Thomas hit .288 in high school last year. PG has him listed as 5'9", 174 in September 2014.

Oh, sheeze, you got me. Max preps shows him as bigger by last spring. Yeah, .288 is not high but he was a frosh, and with his power he looks like a nice player.  BTW I don't see CC or the Big Hurt as MMA guys, and in fact that's true of almost all MLB guys, except maybe Puig, cause I don't see how MMA and baseball athletes would have much in common.


Mr. Almutasim,  may I humbly and respectfully suggest that your son may not appreciate you talking to anonymous strangers on the internet about him in this way.  I don't know your son, but I do know quite a few teenagers, and I am very confident that none of them would approve.

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