Originally posted by igball:
I think NJBB has the best solution. Have MLB offer some leadership on the issue and ban its use on the field.
What the players do off the field on their own time is their business and we dont need the govt getting involved but it is a problem and some kids do emulate what they see-rightly or wrongly.
That's where I disagree.
Would it be wonderful of professional athletes conducted themselves in a manner that would make them good role models for children? Sure. And there are some out there.
But it's NOT a professional athlete's job to be a role model or raise our children.
Kids want to emulate pro athletes..I get that. But if you think chew / dip is the biggest thing that kids need to be prepared for...you are sadly mistaken.
Parents should be role models. Parents should be parents. It shouldn't be TV shows, video games, books, teacher, coaches or athletes. Parents. The buck stops with US as parents.
I'm reminded of an incident when my son was maybe 5 years old or so. We're in a local store. We're in line to check out. Right behind us is a couple with two kids (both at least as old or older than my son) and they are running around like wild animals. Mom and Dad keep saying "Come on honey, stop doing that.." etc etc.
So my son asks about a candy bar (that sits right next to the checkout) and we have a conversations and I tell him something and he answers with "yes sir."
The guy behind me, with the crazy kids, kind of half-jokingly says "How do you get him to do that?" (Be respectful, say Yes Sir).
While watching his kids run around I answer
"He's been taught by example. He knows there are consequences for his actions. And when he needs his butt whipped, I whip it."
The wife / mother overheard the last part. She says "I would never strike my child."
As I watch one of her kids actually take something out of another shopper's cart, I answer "Obviously not. How's that working for you?"
Parents as a whole are entirely too soft. I catch myself sometimes letting up as my son gets older. We want to be friends with our kid, hang out...that's GREAT. But when push comes to shove, WE are the PARENT and we need to act as such.
When I was a teenager at times I hated my Dad. He was so "mean". I recently told my wife, that if it took my son HATING me for his teenage years to respect and love me HALF as much as I do my Father as I got older..I'd gladly make that trade.
Remember, when it comes to the government getting involved in MAKING CHOICES for us...it's ALWAYS easier for them to make MORE choices then to back off. Again, history tells us this over and over.