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To all who may be affected in the next few days, stay safe.

O God, Master of this passing world, hear the humble voices of your children.
The Sea of Galilee obeyed your order and returned to its former quietude. You are still the Master of land and sea. We live in the shadow of danger over which we have no control: the Gulf, like a
provoked and angry giant, can awake from its seeming lethargy, overstep its conventional boundaries, invade our land and spread chaos and

During this hurricane season we turn to you, O loving Father. Spare us from past tragedies whose memories are still so vivid and whose wounds seem to refuse to heal with the passing of time.
O Virgin, Star of the Sea, Our Beloved Mother, we ask you to plead with your Son on our behalf, so that we may be spared from the calamities common to this area and animated with a true spirit of gratitude, we will walk in the footsteps of your divine Son to reach heavenly Jerusalem where a stormless eternity awaits us. Amen.

Imprimatur: August 29, 1967

+ Maurice Schexnayder

Bishop of Lafayette in Louisiana
Original Post

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We've made our plans for evacuation...
Son at Tulane will be driving to Houston with a couple housemates, staying with parents of Houston area teammates. Daughter at A & M Galveston will be driving up to relatives north of Houston. Plan B, if needed, they head to Grandma's in San Antonio.

UPDATE as of 2:00pm...Tulane Closing campus as of Fri, noon. Shuttles to airport begin today at 3:00pm till 1:00am, resuming tomorrow @ 6:00am- 1:00am Sat. Essential personnel will leave Saturday.
Campus will re-open Thurs, Sept 4, unless there are other developments.

Son has team meeting @ 4:00pm & will be headed to Houston tonight.
Daughter in class & will update me around 6:00pm as to A&M Galveston...

Prayers for all students to drive safely, and for everyone on the coast that may be affected.
Last edited by baseballmom
This just isn't fair. My neice had just arrived at Tulane when Katrina hit, she and her roomate had to evacuate to a camp ground and wait for roomies parents to drive over from Tennessee to pick them up. She lost everything she brought with her keeping only her purse and laptop with her. She had to transfer to UCSB, and then to UCDavis and last year got back to Tulane. She and her mom just drove out there 2 weeks ago, mother/daughter road trip. She bought herself a car to have back there. At least she has transportation to take her stuff and go somewhere this time.

I am hoping like many, that Gustav will have mercy.

God bless all in his path.
Spouse has been "activated" by Red Cross under a contract to supervise food production for relief operations and will head down to Shreveport, LA early Friday morning along with a caravan of supply trucks. All of the hotels are already booked in the area, the nearest one available was over an hour away from the "staging" area where they are to work. They hope to try and pick up an RV in Jackson, MS on the way down if possible. Hope to be gone only a few days but were told to be prepared for a few weeks.

Prayers for all.
New Orleans will get quite a storm surge being that they will be on the East side of Gustav......Their pumps and levees are no better than than they were before Katrina....Lots of graft and corruption in Louisiana politics....Money from the Feds has a way of disappearing....So does State money for that matter.....

Looks like they will be spared a dead on hit, though....
Last edited by BlueDog
Some good news in the midst of this calamity...Son & a teammate that headed to Houston Thurs. night have been offshore fishing! Yesterday, he reeled in a 42lb. Pompano...lost a line on a great Amberjack & between 2 of them, they've hauled in about 150lbs. Red Snapper! Some "good eating" for fall semester, lol.
They are headed back to Houston as I write, to wait out the residuals of this storm. And Tulane Pres. Cowen is delaying return to campus till the weekend, classes to resume next Monday.
A&M Galveston never closed...Daughter has classes this morning, so she's kind of bumbed.

Stay safe... & continuing prayers for all folks that are riding this thing out!
Last edited by baseballmom
Residuals from Gustav in Dallas area, wind is kicked up & clouds have moved in. Expect some rain later today/tonight.
As far as New Orleans, as of this morning, there was no flooding & minimal damage to Tulane....a downed fence, tree debris. Utilities are all out...hoping they are restored by the weekend, when son is planning on returning.
Originally posted by louisiana09:
The eyewall of Gustav went right over us, very scary, but all is well. Downed trees and powerlines, huge trees uprooted and fell on a few houses, but no injuries in our area at least. thanks for the prayers

Fran broke down over us 12 years ago - not fun! Glad you are well!
We have dodged a big one here. I believe the Man upstairs put his hand on this one. It could have been devastating to Metro New Orleans area. Son goes to LSU which was hit pretty hard. Quite a bit of damage to the football stadium but luckily for him the baseball facilities had little damage. Hopefully, this is the last of the storms we will see this year.
Spouse is still in LA providing food for over 900 in Shreveport who were evacuated with medical issues. The number provided for in Shreveport had risen to 6,000 for most of the week, but dropped off yesterday as the busses were loaded and people returned to their communities. With the medically fragile there is the dilema caused by Ike on the horizon of transporting them to their "home" areas only to have the possibility of having to put them through the trauma of relocating them once more. Also feeding 10,000 in hardest hit Houma, LA.

Finally able to get a hotel room last night and sleep in a bed! Smile
Last edited by Still Learning

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