After several months of wailing and gnashing of teeth, many discussions that ended with "I just don't know which school to pick", Junior came home from school about a week ago, and said "I'm going to Gwynedd-Mercy". GMC and another local D3 school were very active in their interest in Jr - he liked both schools, both coaches, etc - not an easy choice for him, but either one would have been a good one - I don't think he could have made a bad choice, between the 2. Both successful programs, both good academics, both close, play in the same league with lots of relatively nearby schools [furthest one is 125 miles - no excuse for us to be missing games!!].
With the angst that he went through, I don't know how the "big boys" do it - guys that are recruited by dozens or hundreds of big time D1 programs. We had 3-4 that we immediately got down to 2, and it was still a lot of anguish.
I must be doing something right, though -- daughter #1 went to school 300 miles away, Daughter #2 is 160 miles away, and now Tom will be 14 miles away - I like the sound of "I'm going to get Tom at school - be back in 45 minutes!!!"
In any case, we're glad he made a good choice, the coach seems excited to have him, and he is glad to process is complete.
ALthough I don't intend to leave the site any time soon, I would like to express my gratitude to all the folks here at the HSBBWeb. All of the knowledge, advice, wisdom, and experience that this powerful group possesses is incredible. I feel that I learned so much from you all that helped us through the process.
Thanks to all of you - keep up the good work.
Thanks also to TR and Merc for your personal interest in Tom as we travelled this course.
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