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Howdy. It's been a while! 2013Dad's son's travel team played Santa Fe College today, and 2013 is a fine ballplayer. Somehow 2013Dad figured out who I was, and came and graciously introduced himself. He said I needed to come back and share our experiences. It was nice to meet you,2013Dad! Here goes:

First of all, I can't say enough good things about Santa Fe College and Coach Wiggs. It's a great school, great baseball progam, and a perfect fit for Josh. Coach Wiggs is a straight shooter and a fine human being, and the rest of the coaching staff is great.

Many of you know that Josh committed to Santa Fe in January of 2011. There was some interest from some ivies in cold places, and Flagler College was interested until we made the mistake of taking Josh to a showcase there with a bone bruise in his knee. He didn't perform well and we never heard from them again. Josh accepted Santa Fe's offer to be a recruited walk-on. We were actually thrilled. Santa Fe is literally four miles from our house, and the baseball program is always highly ranked nationally. They've won the Mid-Florida Conference four years in a row and were runners-up at the JUCO World Series 3 years ago. Plus they have an honors program.

Last year, Josh was a back-up 2B and 3B and pitched middle relief. For the first time in his life, he was a role player, and it was hard on him in many ways, but to be surrounded by such great players was fantastic. While his defense stayed sharp and he pitched better than we ever imagined, he really struggled at the plate. He ended up hitting below the mendoza line. But still, Coach Wiggs did so many little things to make sure we knew that he valued Josh. Before that season started, there was a pep rally for spring sports. Coach Wiggs introduced the guys who made all-conference, and then the one with the 4.0. That was Josh Smile Every time there was a chance to recognize Josh for his academic achievements, Coach Wiggs made it happen. Not only that, Josh got into almost every game. Even last night when we had Parent's Night, Coach Wiggs asked Josh to stand up and be recognized for his 4.0, and challenged the team to match it.

Over the summer, Josh tried playing for his old travel team (he was still only 18) but that team sort of fell apart. So he spent a lot of time in the gym, and a lot of time with his hitting coach. It was actually a really good thing. I'm posting his team picture from last year below, and I'll post his new one this spring. There will be a huge difference in body morph!

The fall season has started, and Josh has his old swagger back. He had his best showcase ever last weekend at the JUCO Sophomore Showcase and got some interest. I feel pretty good about his earning the starting 2B job for this season, and he'll definitely pitch. And he's confident that he'll find someplace to play next year. Probably as a walk-on with academic money. And that'll be just fine. He's happy, as you can see, and winning is fun. Smile

2B in Spring 2012

Mid-Florida Champs!
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Great to have you back 2Bmom. I've been wondering what happened to you. I'm happy all is well. I'm also happy to hear that Josh is doing well. Jucos can be a great place for players who need to grow physically or emotionally. It sounds like you and Josh made a great choice going to Santa Fe.

I hope he has a great season and I hope you stay reconnected to HSBBW.
Last edited by fillsfan
Thanks so muCh for the positive feedback! Floridafan, I think it was just a matter of not having enough 18s, and the focus being on the17s (as it should be). And the usual communication problems persist. Smile but I remain grateful to the Hardballers for the opportunity for Josh to play with some truly great players. Smalltownmom, JC is doing just fine. He can hit the ball a long way, and the other players like him. Cleveland Dad, yes! I'll write more later, but the short version is that I have seen no politics whatsoever. I'm sure they exist in the college game, but from what I've seen at SFC, a walk-on is treated the same as a scholarship player, it's about winning, and it's also about developing players and getting them to the next level. We are really really lucky.

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